by Richard Hell
28 pp., saddle-stitched.
Edition limited to 200 copies.
Published in October 2010.
A no-holds-barred, sexually explicit, alternate version of a chapter from Richard Hell's autobiography, I Dreamed I Was A Very Clean Tramp, this limited edition chapbook offers a conceptually complex meditation on the music-era sex life of one of punk's originators and leading provocateurs. Cover drawing mixing the words “slave” and “salve” by Richard Hell and Christopher Wool. Read a review of this chapbook HERE!
$10 plus $4 S&H in the U.S. Shipping costs added for overseas shipping.

26 additional copies are lettered and signed by the author, and come with a limited edition, 6" x 13" letterpress broadside of an additional excerpt entitled "Kentucky," also signed by the author. A lettered, signed set is available for $250. You may purchase these via Paypal using a credit card or bank transfer.