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Valeria Luiselli: My Ghosts At The Moment | interviewed by Jeffrey P. Beck
Matt Burgess: Outside In The World | interviewed by Graham Sutherland
A Personal View: The Other Woman | Toby Olson | by Douglas Messerli
Evolution and the Story | essay by Jim Kozubek
Chapbooks in Review | edited & designed by Mary Austin Speaker
Hags | Jenny Zhang | by MC Hyland
Children of the Bad Hour | Purdy Lord Kreiden | by Daniel Poppick
Wind Instrument | Kazim Ali by meg willing
Sugar Break | Maged Zaher | by Chris Martin
The Mystery of Robert Seydel | by Spencer Dew
MN Artists Presents: Writing in Place | by Kari Mugo
The New Life | a comic by Gary Sullivan
Games with Childhood: the fiction of Zilpha Keatley Snyder | by Susann Cokal
Chasing Lost Time: The Life of C.K. Scott Moncrieff: Soldier, Spy, and Translator | Jean Findlay | by David Wiley
A Sense of the Whole: Reading Gary Snyder’s Mountains and Rivers Without End | Mark Gonnerman, ed. | by Justin Wadland
A Solemn Pleasure: To Imagine, Witness, and Write | Melissa Pritchard | by Tina Karelson
Worrying: A Literary and Cultural History | Francis O’Gorman | by Meghan Smith
The Wheeling Year: A Poet’s Field Book | Ted Kooser | by John Toren
Travels In Vermeer | Michael White | by Jackie Trytten
Where Was I? | Stephen Kessler | by Scott F. Parker
Surveillance Cinema | Catherine Zimmer | by Andrew Cleary
Broadcast Hysteria: Orson Welles’s War of the Worlds and the Art of Fake News | A. Brad Schwartz | by Jason Bock
Undoing The Demos: Neoliberalism’s Stealth Revolution | Wendy Brown | by W. C. Bamberger
The Last Two Seconds | Mary Jo Bang | by Michael Smolinsky
Traces of Time | Lucio Mariani | by Robert Zaller
My Favorite Tyrants | Joanne Diaz | by John Bradley
Surrounded By Friends | Matthew Rohrer | by Brian Laidlaw
Null Set | Ted Mathys | by Bryce Thornburg
Places I Was Dreaming | Loren Graham | by Renée E. D’Aoust
Buick City | Sarah Carson | by Penny Guisinger
Reveille | George David Clark | by Christopher McCurry
The Festival of Insignificance | Milan Kundera | by John Toren
The Meursault Investigation | Kamel Daoud | by Matthew Pincus
Tesla: A Portrait in Masks | Vladimir Pištalo | by Garry Craig Powell
The Green Road | Anne Enright | by Chris Beal
Haymaker | Adam Schuitema | by Nicola Koh
Voices In The Night | Steven Millhauser | by Adam P. Young
The Illogic of Kassel | Enrique Vila-Matas | by Rob Stephenson
Razorhurst | Justine Larbalestier | by Susann Cokal
Seed | Lisa Heathfield | by Cindra Halm
Poetry Is Useless | Anders Nilsen | by Jeff Alford
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Rain Taxi Print Edition, Vol. 20 No. 3, Fall 2015 (#79) | © Rain Taxi, Inc. 2015