Life Upon the Wicked Stage: A Memoir

Grace Cavalieri Scarith / New Academia Publishing ($24) by Daniela Gioseffi In the prelude to her new memoir, Grace Cavalieri says “I love reviewing other

K: A 21st Century Canzoniere

I Goldfarb BlazeVox Books ($22) by Michael Boughn I Goldfarb’s K: A 21st Century Canzoniere is a marvel, with all the deep roots of that

Deco Punk: The Spirit of the Age

Edited by Thomas A. Easton and Judith K. Dial Pink Narcissus ($15) by Kelsey Irving Beson In their feisty introduction to the short story collection

M Train

Patti Smith Knopf ($25) by Christopher Luna M Train, Patti Smith’s follow-up to the National Book Award-winning Just Kids, is an elegiac exploration of loss,

A Roll of the Dice

Stéphane Mallarmé Translated by Robert Bononno and Jeff Clark Wave Books ($25) by Richard Henry Robert Bononno and Jeff Clark's A Roll of the Dice

The Creator

Salomo Friedlaender (Mynona) Translated by Peter Wortsman Wakefield Press ($13.95) by Jesse Freedman At once a philosophical study of dreams and a fabulist rendering of

Winter 2015

INTERVIEWS Writerly Friendship: An interview with Jill Alexander Essbaum and Jessica Piazza For these two writers, friendship supersedes competition and instead grows the relationship as