Problem Pictures

Spencer Selby Sink ($15) by W. B. Keckler Verbo-visual poetry, or whatever designation you choose to use for those works which integrate or conflate text

Deer Head Nation

K. Silem Mohammad Tougher Disguises Press ($12) by Aaron Kunin How to create a community through poetry: (1) A poem can describe an existing social


Pentti Saarikoski Translated by Anselm Hollo La Alameda Press ($18) by Gregory Farnum Look for information on Pentti Saarikoski at your local library or (in

Chances Are Few

Lorenzo Thomas Blue Wind Press ($19.95) by Christopher Luna In his introduction to this expanded second edition of his first major poetry collection (originally published

A Needle for the Searcher

The Midnight Susan Howe New Directions ($19.95) by Michelle Mitchell-Foust I recently visited an exhibit called "Two Rooms," featuring installations by the artist Rosamond Purcell.

A Book of Transmissions

María Sabina: Selections Edited by Jerome Rothenberg University of California Press ($16.95) by Hank Lazer Jerome Rothenberg has done it again, having put together a

Phoebe 2002: An Essay In Verse

Jeffery Conway, Lynn Crosbie, and David Trinidad Turtle Point Press ($21.95) by Steven Moore Even less than the epic itself, the mock-epic is not a

A Place So Foreign And Eight More

Cory Doctorow Four Walls Eight Windows ($13.95) by Doug Pond Stripped of the superfluous detail typically found in science fiction, the stories in Cory Doctorow's