Super Flat Times

Matthew Derby Little, Brown and Company ($13.95) by Joel Turnipseed Matt Derby is twisted. Then again, so is our world, if you take the time


Jenny Davidson Soft Skull Press ($14) by Liz Brown "I'm a person who feels emotion like a punch in the stomach," says Elizabeth Mann, the

The Perpetual Ending

Kristen den Hartog MacAdam/Cage Publishing ($24) by Kris Lawson The Perpetual Ending is a powerful book about small things, the things that resonate when one

Mangoes on the Maple Tree

Uma Paramesweran Broken Jaw Press ($15) by Michelle Reale In Mangoes on the Maple Tree, Canadian writer Uma Parameswaran gives us a forceful yet profound


Joshua Ortega Jodere Group ($24) by Alan Deniro Although it is set in the future, Joshua Ortega's ((Frequencies)) is not a science fiction novel. Judging

The Stone Virgins

Yvonne Vera Farrar, Straus, and Giroux ($18) by Christopher J. Lee In The Stone Virgins, Yvonne Vera describes the sense of courage held by her

All Night Movie

Alicia Borinsky Translated by Cola Franzen with the author Hydra Books/Northwestern University Press ($15.95) by Amy Havel As many people know, love and pain can

Canti postumi

Ezra Pound Edited by Massimo Bacigalupo Arnoldo Mondadori Editore by Steven Moore An unsympathetic critic might grumble that Pound threw everything but the kitchen sink

Never Mind: Twenty Poems and a Story

Taha Muhammad Ali Translated by Peter Cole, Yahya Hijazi, Gabriel Levin Ibis Editions ($11.95) by Kim Jensen Ibis Editions, based in Jerusalem, is a small

Rouge Pulp

Dorothy Barresi University of Pittsburgh Press ($12.95) by Hannah Brooks-Motl Rouge Pulp is Dorothy Barresi's third book of poems, and it is by far her