THE ADVERSARY: A True Story of Monstrous Deception
Emmanuel Carrère Metropolitan Books ($22) by Josie Rawson Monstrous, indeed. Among us there are the petty impostors: small-time sharks, little white liars. We all know
Emmanuel Carrère Metropolitan Books ($22) by Josie Rawson Monstrous, indeed. Among us there are the petty impostors: small-time sharks, little white liars. We all know
Katherine McNamara Mercury House ($15.95) by Jason Fischbach In 1976, a young poet disgruntled with the anthropologists, both living and dead, of Western academia, went
Jacques Barzun Harper Collins ($36) by Eric Iannelli Encyclopaedic in scope, engaging but demanding in its account, From Dawn to Decadence is a brilliant synthesis of five
Kathleen Fraser University of Alabama Press ($19.95) by Charles Alexander Kathleen Fraser takes the poem as space of revelation. This is the self. This is
compiled by S. T. Joshi Arkham House Publishers, Inc. ($25.95) by Kris Lawson Unless you're a fan of horror and weird fiction, or a devotee
Jessica Treat FC2 ($12.95) by Rebecca Weaver Not a Chance, Jessica Treat's second collection of fictions, is catapulted by its characters. These off-kilter characters constantly
Jose Maria Arguedas Translated by Frances Horning Barraclough University of Pittsburgh Press ($19.95) by Peter Ritter The Peruvian writer José María Arguedas shot himself in
William Tester Sarabande Books ($19.95) by Kelly Everding Whether you're stuck in your own head, trying to get into someone else's head, losing your maidenhead,
Kathy Hepinstall Avon Books ($13) by Kiersten Marek Margaret Atwood has described a moment in high school as she crossed a football field when a
Lidia Yuknavitch FC2 ($12.95) by Jeremy Russell Reading Lidia Yuknavitch is like watching someone marking a map of America with black dots on all the