Made in Detroit

Marge Piercy Alfred A. Knopf ($27.95) by George Longenecker Some may ask how a writer with nineteen books of poetry and seventeen novels can have

Two by Dylan Horrocks

Sam Zabel and the Magic Pen Dylan Horrocks Fantagraphics ($29.99) Incomplete Works Dylan Horrocks Victoria University Press ($19.99) by Stephen Burt If you want a

A Philosophy of Walking

Frédéric Gros Translated by John Howe Verso ($16.95) by John Toren In a pinch, walking will get us from place to place, though for the

The Guilty

Juan Villoro Translated by Kim Traube George Braziller, Inc. ($15.95) by Peter Grandbois Juan Villoro has been a well respected and widely read writer in

Loving Day

Mat Johnson Spiegel & Grau ($26) by Elizabeth Tannen “Race doesn’t exist, but tribes are fucking real.” So declares Warren Duffy, the middle-aged, recently divorced

The Folded Clock: A Diary

Heidi Julavits Doubleday ($26.95) by Lindsay Gail Gibson “Often,” as Virginia Woolf observed in a 1929 essay, “nothing tangible remains of a woman’s day.” By


Dan Beachy-Quick Tupelo Press ($16.95) by M. Lock Swingen When the aesthetic climate of our age champions recursive internet memes and pop culture references, irreducibly knitted

Before and During

Vladimir Sharov Translated by Oliver Ready Dedalus Europe ($19.99) by Lori Feathers Short of acquiring fame, our earthly lives are destined for oblivion. For a