rain taxi videos

Welcome to Rain Taxi’s video page! Here we present short films of author interviews, archived excerpts from readings past, and other on-the-fly camera work of authors in action. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel here. Enjoy!
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Leslie S. Klinger

Minneapolis, November 9, 2014
Leslie S. Klinger spoke to Rain Taxi about his New Annotated H.P. Lovecraft, a gorgeous, colorful, illustrated presentation of selected stories by the horror master.

Lily King

LilyKingMinneapolis, June 2014
Rain Taxi sat down with Lily King, author of the novel Euphoria, a story loosely based on the life of Margaret Mead. She discussed her inspiration, process, and read excerpts from her book.

Austin Kleon

austinkleonMinneapolis, May 2014
Austin Kleon, author of Steal Like An Artist and Show Your Work!, sat down with Rain Taxi to discuss creativity, obituaries, and his own work.

Patrick Ness

patricknessMinneapolis, January 2014

Patrick Ness is the author of the YA trilogy Chaos Walking and most recently an adult novel, The Crane Wife. Rain Taxi caught up with the author at Magers & Quinn Booksellers in Minneapolis to chat about his work.


Minneapolis, 2013

NYC poet Joanna Fuhrman read new multimedia work at the Fox Egg gallery on a summer swing through Minneapolis, then closed with a terrific poem titled "Neon Arboretum," captured here.


Boston, 2013

Jessie Bennett sat down with Alysia Abbott in Boston to discuss her new book Fairyland: A Memoir of My Father (Norton, $25.95), a vivid time capsule of growing up during the 1970s and ’80s with a gay dad in San Francisco. Our full interview with Alysia Abbott can be found in our Winter 2013 Print Edition.

Stephen J. Gertz

St. Paul, 2013

Rain Taxi talks with Stephen J. Gertz, expert on "weird books" and author of the book Dope Menace, at the Twin Cities Antiquarian & Rare Book Fair in St. Paul.

Andrei Codrescu

Minneapolis, 2013

Rain Taxi caught up with Andrei Codrescu, who was in Minneapolis to read from So Recently Rent a World, New and Selected Poems 1968–2012. Codrescu spoke about the changing poetry scene, the significance of chapbooks, and what spurred his poetry in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

William Alexander

Saint Paul, 2013

Rain Taxi caught up with National Book Award winner William Alexander at the book launch of his second book, Ghoulish Song, the follow-up YA novel to his award-winning Goblin Secrets. Alexander celebrated in St. Paul at Dr. Chocolate's Chocolate Chateau, sponsored by Addendum Books, and with music by Dreamland Faces.

Anselm Hollo

Minneapolis, 2007

Here is a clip from Anselm Hollo's reading in Minneapolis in 2007. The "elegant and rowdy" poet passed away on January 29, 2013. Thank you, Anselm Hollo, for writing your poems, so many wonderful poems.