rain taxi videos

Welcome to Rain Taxi’s video page! Here we present short films of author interviews, archived excerpts from readings past, and other on-the-fly camera work of authors in action. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel here. Enjoy!
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Rain Taxi talks with Neal Stephenson

August 13, 2012, St. Paul

On a lovely August afternoon, Neal Stephenson, author of a recent collection of essays Some Remarks, spoke with Rain Taxi about the Internet's effect on the science fiction community. Read a complete interview with Neal Stephenson forthcoming in the fall issue of Rain Taxi.

Rain Taxi talks with Anne Fadiman

May 7, 2012, St. Paul

Writer Anne Fadiman speaks to Rain Taxi editor Eric Lorberer about her National Book Critics Circle Award winning book, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, on the occasion of its 15th year anniversary and re-release. The book explores the clash between cultures as a California hospital and a refugee Hmong family disagree over the treatment for their youngest child Lia Lee.

Rain Taxi talks with Stewart O'Nan

February 1, 2012, Minneapolis

Author Stewart O’Nan met with Rain Taxi on a slate-gray Minneapolis day to discuss his new book, The Odds: A Love Story. The novel follows the downwardly mobile lives of Art and Mary, married thirty years, who decide to risk it all at a Niagara Falls casino to save their marriage, their home, and the lifestyle they took for granted.

Jim Woodring at Nightshift, Part Three

Jim Woodring takes the giant nib off his 7-foot pen to ink in the details of his drawing as the audience (and assistant Zak Sally) regales him with jokes. It happened at Nightshift, our all-night collaboration with the Walker Art Center on June 4-5, 2011.

Jim Woodring at Nightshift, Part Two

Here is more footage of Jim Woodring inking his drawing of a severed frog’s leg with his colossal pen at Nightshift, our all-night collaboration with the Walker Art Center on June 4-5, 2011. In this clip, Woodring discusses the self-imposed rules he uses when inking with the mammoth instrument and completes the outlining process before removing the nib. Stay tuned for more footage of Woodring filling in the details and spurring the audience to tell him jokes as he completes his task!

Jim Woodring at Nightshift

From dusk to dawn on June 4-5, Rain Taxi, the Walker Art Center, and mnartists.org collaborated on a landmark all-night event we called Nightshift, with a special midnight drawing performance by acclaimed cartoonist Jim Woodring. Hundreds of people gathered to watch Woodring wield a 7-foot pen to ink a drawing of a severed frog's leg. In this first of several video segments, Woodring begins the inking and regales the audience with tales of how the pen came to be. Minnesota cartoonists Zander Cannon and Zak Sally are seen assisting Woodring during the process. Stay tuned for more footage from the singularly amazing event to be posted soon!

Ravi Shankar on Sol LeWitt

April 17, 2011, Walker Art Center sculpture garden
Poet Ravi Shankar read for the Rain Taxi Reading Series at Rogue Buddha Gallery on this evening. Earlier, we caught the magnificent Sol LeWitt exhibit at the Walker Art Center and asked Shankar to tell us about how he met the great Sol LeWitt and acquired the beautiful cover for his chapbook, Seamless Matter, published by Rain Taxi's OHM Editions in 2010.