rain taxi videos

Welcome to Rain Taxi’s video page! Here we present short films of author interviews, archived excerpts from readings past, and other on-the-fly camera work of authors in action. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel here. Enjoy!
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Rain Taxi Summer Issue Virtual Party

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Rain Taxi threw a party for its 2020 Summer Print Edition, the 98th issue of Rain Taxi Review of Books! Editor Eric Lorberer hosted the event, which featured cover artist Jil Evans giving a studio tour, James Lenfestey discussing Louise Erdrich, Linda Stack-Nelson on the work of Echo Brown, and poets Tyrone Williams and Xandria Phillips in conversation. Rain Taxi Board member Mary Moore Easter announced the organization’s plan to publish an anthology of black poets of the Twin Cities, in conjunction with Rain Taxi’s Twin Cities Book Festival this October.

Cherríe Moraga

Thursday, May 2, 2019, Hook and Ladder Theater, Mission Room

An adoring crowd warmly welcomed author and activist Cherríe Moraga as she presented her new memoir, Native Country of the Heart. She was joined on stage by Alexis Pauline Gumbs for a lively discussion of her work and impact on the queer and Xicana communities.


Before a Minneapolis reading from his new book Finding Them Gone: Visiting China's Poets of the Past, Bill Porter (AKA Red Pine) sat down with Rain Taxi editor Eric Lorberer and author James Lenfestey to discuss his beginnings as a translator and how the best poetry comes directly from the heart.

Rain Taxi talks with Kristin Hersh

kristinhershWyatt at the Coyote Palace
An Interview with Kristin Hersh

We sit down for a chat with acclaimed author and musician Kristin Hersh, whose latest release is both a hardback book of stories and essays (and art, and lyrics) and a double album of new songs, all getting to “the heart of missing you.” Interviewed by Eric Lorberer