Brainstorm Series

The Rain Taxi Brainstorm Series brings you limited edition chapbooks by accomplished writers, each limited to 300 copies or less. Signed editions are still available for many of these fine titles with a tax-deductible donation to Rain Taxi, Inc., a nonprofit organization.

(X in Fix)

by Dara Wier (Barrois/Dixon)

24 pages.
Hand-printed cover, sewn binding.
Published in December 2003.

Five dazzling poems in a large format chapbook (6.5" by 11") explore interior states of consciousness as they fixate on objects and their words.

Sorry, this chapbook is SOLD OUT.

SIGNED EDITIONS STILL AVAILABLE! 26 copies, lettered and signed by the author, include a letterpress-printed postcard (also limited to 26 copies) of an additional poem, "Choreography of a Fool's Destiny." This special limited edition is available for $100.

Dying Trees

by Nathaniel Tarn

32 pages, Letterpress cover, Japanese stab binding.
Edition limited to 200 copies.
Published in April 2003.

In Dying Trees, acclaimed poet and anthropologist Nathaniel Tarn brilliantly interweaves poems about political, botanical, and personal cancer; the result is an intensely lyrical suite, sure to rank among the best of Tarn's recent work.
Letterpress cover, Japanese stab binding, 32 pp., edition limited to 200 copies.

Sorry, this chapbook is SOLD OUT.

SIGNED EDITIONS STILL AVAILABLE! 26 are lettered and signed by the author. Signed copies are available for $100. You may purchase these via Paypal using a credit card or bank transfer.

A Little Anthology of Surrealist Poems

translated by Paul Auster

35 pp., perfect bound.
First edition limited to 300 copies, published in August 2002. (Sold out)
Second edition limited to 100 copies, published May 2010.

Originally published in 1972, this out-of-print gem is highly sought after by collectors. For this revised edition, Paul Auster has made some changes and added a preface. Featuring work by Artuad, Char, Breton, Éluard, Péret, Aragon, Soupault, Desnos, and Arp.

$10 plus $4 S&H in the U.S. Shipping costs added for overseas shipping.


SIGNED EDITIONS STILL AVAILABLE! 26 copies have been lettered and signed by the author, and include a letterpress-printed bookmark (also limited to 26 copies) of a Char poem from the anthology. This special limited edition (August 2002) is available for $250. You may purchase these via Paypal using a credit card or bank transfer.

The House of Sara Loo

by Russell Edson

27 pp., perfect bound.
Edition limited to 300 copies.
Published in November 2001.

New prose poems from the master of the form! Cover art by the author.

"Edson writes better about the claustrophobia of family than anybody ever has." —James Tate

Only a a very few copies left!
$15 plus $4 S&H in the U.S. Shipping costs added for overseas shipping.

26 copies have been lettered and signed by the author. A signed copy is available for $100. You may purchase a signed copy via Paypal using a credit card or bank transfer.

The Switch

by Stephen Dixon

32 pp. saddle-stitched.
Published in February 1999.

A harrowing tale of one man's effort to see the world through the eyes of his disabled wife, with illustrations by the author.

$10.00 plus $4 S&H in the U.S. Shipping costs added for overseas shipping.

26 copies have been lettered and signed by the author. Signed copies are sold out.

Merrill Cove

by Paul Metcalf

28 pp. saddle-stitched.
Letterpress cover by Greg Boyd.
Published in August 1998.

Written in the late 1950s while Metcalf resided in North Carolina, this poem-suite has remained unpublished until now. Letterpress cover by Greg Boyd.

$10.00 plus $4 S&H in the U.S. Shipping costs added for overseas shipping.

26 copies have been lettered and signed by the author. A signed copy is available for $50. You may purchase a signed copy via Paypal using a credit card or bank transfer:

The Aranea Constellation

by Clayton Eshleman

29 pp. saddle-stitched.
Published in March 1998.

Exploring the relevance of paleolithic cave imagery to 20th century crises, Eshleman here attempts to situate poetry in its oldest and deepest context. With artwork by Irving Petlin.

$10.00 plus $4 S&H in the U.S. Shipping costs added for overseas shipping.

26 copies have been lettered and signed by the author. A signed copy is available for $50. You may purchase a signed copy via Paypal using a credit card or bank transfer.