Sunday, November 10, 7:00pm
Janet Wallace Fine Arts Center, Macalester College
130 South Macalester Street, St Paul

The Rain Taxi Reading Series presents noted poet Brenda Hillman reading from her latest collection, Seasonal Works with Letters on Fire (Wesleyan University Press), longlisted for the 2013 National Book Award. With fire as the metaphor for financial breakdown, environmental crisis, and social justice, the book is the final volume of Hillman's extraordinary series on the elements, and merges the political and the personal to summon us all to action. Hillman last read in the Rain Taxi Reading Series in 2002, when the first volume of this series,Cascadia, was published; we are thrilled to have her here again upon its conclusion! This event is cosponsored by the College of Saint Benedict Literary Arts Institute and the English Department at Macalester College. Reception to follow!
"Linguistically, spatially, politically, emotionally, Brenda Hillman's brilliant poems are some of the most thrilling poems we have. . . Each line, each poem, each book, extraordinarily fresh and original, is minted alive before our eyes." —Sharon Olds