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M. J. Nicholls: Fear Anxiety Panic | interviewed by Steven Moore
Toi Derricotte: The Poem Tells Itself | interviewed by Swiss
Hillary Leftwich: Nightmares, Heartbreaks, and Terrible Choices
| interviewed by Zack Kopp
Heidi Czerwiec: Fluid States | interviewed by Molly Sutton Kiefer
Greg Gerke: See What I See | interviewed by Ted Morrissey
The New Life | a comic by Gary Sullivan

American Science Fiction: Eight Classic Novels of the 1960s | Gary K. Wolfe, ed. | by Chris Barsanti
The Little Blue Kite | Mark Z. Danielewski | by Chris Via
Indelicacy | Amina Cain | by Bethany Catlin
Lanny | Max Porter | by Cindra Halm
Moon Trees and Other Orphans | Leigh Camacho Rourks
| by Linda Stack-Nelson
I Know You Know Who I Am | Peter Kispert | by Mikel Prater
Like Water and Other Stories | Olga Zilberbourg | by Alta Ifland
Chances Are . . . | Richard Russo | by Robert Lane
Serotonin | Michel Houellebecq | by Chris Via
A Storm Blew In From Paradise | Johannes Anyuru | by Poul Houe
They Called Us Enemy | George Takei | by George Longenecker
The Householders: Robert Duncan and Jess | Tara McDowell | by Patrick James Dunagan
The Drama of Celebrity | Sharon Marcus | by Ryder W. Miller
Meander, Spiral, Explode: Design and Pattern in Narrative | Jane Alison | by Kirby Gann
The Detroit Printing Co-op: The Politics of the Joy of Printing | Danielle Aubert | by M. Kasper
Little Weirds | Jenny Slate | by Erin Lewenauer
A Literary Biography of Robin Blaser: Mechanic of Splendor | Miriam Nichols | by Patrick James Dunagan
The After-Normal: Brief, Alphabetical Essays on a Changing Planet | David Carlin and Nicole Walker | by Dustin Michael
Crusoe and His Consequences | James Dunkerley | by Ryder W. Miller
The Grave On The Wall | Brandon Shimoda | by William Shultz
Nervous System | Rosalie Moffett | by Walter Holland
Lima :: Limón | Natalie Scenters-Zapico | by George Longenecker
Forty-One Objects: Prose Poems | Carsten René Nielsen | by John Bradley
Codex | Joshua Lew McDermott | by Greg Bem
The Problem of the Many | Timothy Donnelly | by Michael Bazzett
Earth | Hannah Brooks-Motl | by Greg Bem
World’d Too Much: The Selected Poetry of Russell Atkins | Kevin Prufer, Robert E. McDounough, eds. | by John Bradley
How To Dress A Fish | Abigail Chabitnoy | by Amanda Kooser
Gulf | Cody Smith | by Stephen Hundley
Shiver | Lynn Martin | by J. Peter Moore
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