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Sara Jaffe: The Liberating Act of Failure | interviewed by Zhanna Slor
Martine Bellen: Excavating the Poem | interviewed by Piotr Florczyk
Ecstatic Erotic: The Art of Dorothy Iannone | by Richard Kostelanetz
The New Life | a comic by Gary Sullivan
mnartists presents: Marlon James Wins the Man Booker Prize | by Rob Callahan
Preserving the Swamps: Bonnie Jo Campbell’s Source of Inspiration | by Lisa DuRose
Revisiting Thomas More’s Utopia | by Ryder W. Miller

Cover art by Mandy Lee Cox
J. M. Coetzee and the Life of Writing: Face-to-Face with Time | David Atwell | by Matthew Cheney
The Good Story: Exchanges on Truth, Fiction and Psychotherapy | J. M. Coetzee & Arabella Kurtz | by Matthew Cheney
Study in Perfect | Sarah Gorham | by M. Lock Swingen
Ancient Places: People and Landscape in the Emerging Northwest | Jack Nisbet | by Renée E. D’Aoust
Crowded by Beauty: The Life and Zen of Poet Philip Whalen | David Schneider | by Patrick James Dunagan
The Z Collection | Jan Herman | by Paul Buhle
Islam and the Future of Tolerance: A Dialogue | Sam Harris & Maajid Nawaz | by Allan & Shawn Vorda
The Enlightenment: History of an Idea | Vincenzo Ferrone | by John Toren
Dylan Goes Electric!: Newport, Seeger, Dylan, and the Night That Split the Sixties | Elijah Wald | by Ryder W. Miller
Harvey Kurtzman: The Man Who Created Mad and Revolutionized Humor in America | Bill Schelly | by Steve Matuszak
Juventud | Vanessa Blakeslee | by John Domini
The Art of Flight | Sergio Pitol | by Garry Craig Powell
Innocence: Or, Murder on Steep Street | Heda Margolius Kovály | by Kelsey Irving Beson
Bad Sex | Clancy Martin | by Nicholas Gripp
Making Nice | Matt Sumell | by Meghan D. Smith
The Making of Zombie Wars | Aleksander Hemon | by Garin Cycholl
The Tree With No Name | Drago Jančar | by Alex Brubaker
Bear War-Den | Vivian Demuth | by Daniela Gioseffi
Scrapper | Matt Bell | by Josh Cook
Paris Red | Maureen Gibbon | by Thomas Rain Crowe
Thus Were Their Faces | Silvina Ocampo | by David Wiley
Map: Collected and Last Poems | Wisława Szymborska | by John Bradley
How To Be Drawn | Terrance Hayes | by Brian Laidlaw
Swimming Home | Vincent Katz | by Elizabeth Robinson
Sentences and Rain | Elaine Equi | by Renoir Gaither
Heliopause | Heather Christle | by Tyrone Williams
Loose Strife | Quan Barry | by Miguel Murphy
Playtime | William Fuller | by Patrick James Dunagan
The News | Jeffrey Brown | by Anna Kramer
Vincent | Joseph Fasano | by John Bradley
Multitudinous Heart: Selected Poems | Carlos Drummond de Andrade | by James Naiden
Abina and the Important Men: A Graphic History | Trevor R. Getz and Liz Clarke | by George Longenecker
Louise Brooks: Detective | Rick Geary | by John Eisler
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Rain Taxi Print Edition, Vol. 20 No. 4, Winter 2015 (#80) | © Rain Taxi, Inc. 2015/2016