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Carley Moore Tinderbox Editions ($16) by Celia Bland Buyer beware! Carley Moore warns her readers that “I plan to wallow and wander, to get stuck

The Bird Catcher
and Other Stories

Fayeza Hasanat illustrations by Chitra Ganesh Jaded Ibis Press ($17.99) by Laura Nicoara Once upon a time there lived a bird catcher. He captured a

Red Clocks

Lena Zumas Back Bay Books ($16.99) by Julia Stein Lena Zumas’s Red Clocks brilliantly combines the forms of speculative fiction and thriller to tell the

My Struggle: Book Six

Karl Ove Knausgård translated by Don Bartlett and Martin Aitken Archipelago Books ($33) by Chris Via “So much in life is unspoken.” The full impact

Freedom Hospital: A Syrian Story

Hamid Sulaiman Translated by Francesca Barrie Interlink Books ($20) by Jeff Alford In the comics medium, the border between well-wrought artistry and political authenticity can

Preserving Fire: Selected Prose

Philip Lamantia Edited by Garrett Caples Wave Books ($25) by Patrick James Dunagan “Not to have this fact seem too important, in relation to my


Jindrich Štyrský translated Jed Slast Twisted Spoon Press ($28.50) by Paul McRandle “Where should I flee? . . . My childhood is my country. My