All the Birds, Singing

Evie Wyld Vintage ($15.95) by Lori Feathers Jake Whyte, the protagonist of Evie Wyld’s slim novel All the Birds, Singing, attracts attention despite her ardent

The EC Library, Volumes 1-4

“50 Girls 50” and Other Stories Illustrated by Al Williamson “Came the Dawn” and Other Stories Illustrated by Wallace Wood “’Taint the Meat . .

Marked Men

Joseph Hutchison Turning Point ($18) by Dale Jacobson Joseph Hutchison, recently appointed to the position of Poet Laureate of Colorado, is the author of more

Going Anywhere

David Armstrong Leapfrog Press ($15.95) by Isaac Faleschini David Armstrong’s collection of short stories, Going Anywhere, promises much. Eight of the thirteen stories have won

99 Poems for the 99 Percent

Edited by Dean Rader 99: The Press ($16) by John Bradley “Some of the great American poetry of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries addresses issues

Bad Feminist

Roxane Gay Harper Perennial ($15.99) by Sally Franson In Bad Feminist, Roxane Gay’s first essay collection and second book released in 2014, the author asserts


Dorothea Lasky Liveright ($23.95) by Gretchen Marquette Dorothea Lasky’s fourth full-length collection, Rome, thrums with intelligence and uneasy energy. Within the first few pages it

Prelude to Bruise

Saeed Jones Coffee House Press ($16) by Kate Schapira With fire and ash in all senses, Prelude to Bruise shows how for a gay Black