Catfishing on Catnet

Naomi Kritzer Tor Teen ($17.99) by Aidan Bliss The emergent media targeting today’s young adult demographic will necessarily make some allusion to the internet and

The Melancholy of Maturity

Translation and Adaptation in Normal People, The Story of a New Name, and Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots by Sarah McEachern After

Are Snakes Necessary?

Brian De Palma and Susan Lehman Hard Case Crime ($22.99) by Joseph Houlihan Co-written with Susan Lehman, a former editor at The New York Times,


William Gibson Berkley ($28) by William Corwin Continuously lurching forwards, backwards, and sideways, and steadfastly refusing to give the reader a moment’s respite, Agency is


Sharon Olds Knopf ($18.95) by John Kendall Hawkins Since things and my body are made of the same stuff, vision must somehow come about in