The French House

An American Family, A Ruined Maison, and the Village that Restored Them All Don Wallace Sourcebooks ($14.99) by Linda Lappin Imagine an old house—a ruin,

Not in My Library!

“Berman’s Bag” Columns from The Unabashed Librarian, 2000-2013 Sanford Berman McFarland ($35) by Kelsey Irving Beson The many laudatory blurbs on the back cover of

Three Stories by J.D. Salinger

essay by Shane Joaquin Jimenez Last November, a pirated publication of three uncollected stories by J. D. Salinger, entitled Three Stories, appeared on torrent and

The Deepest Human Life

An Introduction to Philosophy for Everyone Scott Samuelson University of Chicago Press ($22.50) by Scott F. Parker With The Deepest Human Life, Scott Samuelson adds

Unaccompanied Minors

Alden Jones New American Press ($14.95) by RT Both Alden Jones is a wanderer. In her travel memoir The Blind Masseuse (University of Wisconsin, 2013)

Spheres of Disturbance

Amy Schutzer Arktoi Books ($16.95) by Laura Maylene Walter A pregnant pot-bellied pig, a life-sized Elvis cutout, and a garage sale hoedown might share space

The Parallel Apartments

Bill Cotter McSweeney's ($25) by Jenn Mar Family history guides Bill Cotter's tragicomic The Parallel Apartments, an infectious, off-kilter novel that might best be described

Winter Journeys

Georges Perec and the Oulipo Translated by Ian Monk, Harry Mathews and John Sturrock Atlas Press ($34) by Steve Matuszak Is it possible that when