Jack Driscoll Dorling Kendersley ($22.95) by Peter Ritter The American road novel—that well-tread paean to joyous delinquency—has now been rewritten so many times that it's
Jack Driscoll Dorling Kendersley ($22.95) by Peter Ritter The American road novel—that well-tread paean to joyous delinquency—has now been rewritten so many times that it's
Michelle Tea Seal Press ($13) by Christine Kennick Not quite a novel but more than a memoir, Michelle Tea's Valencia is a lesbian manifesto, a portrait of
Henri Cartier-Bresson Aperture ($19.95) by Elizabeth Culbert While the photographer faces a vanishing subject, the writer has time to reflect. It is our good fortune
Mark Z. Danielewski Pantheon ($20) by Doug Nufer Things aren't what they seem to be in this "second printing" of a novel that originally appeared
SELECTED SHORTER POEMS Armand Schwerner Junction Press ($16) by Eric Lorberer Not so much lyrics as discrete pieces of a larger tapestry, these shorter poems