The Old Boys

William Trevor Penguin UK by Jesse Freedman The death of William Trevor in the fall of 2016 marked a significant moment in the history of


Tommy Pico Birds, LLC ($18) by Benjamin Voigt What do you do when the Muse doesn’t text back? This is the question of Tommy Pico’s


D. Foy Stalking Horse Press ($18.95) by Benjamin Woodard D. Foy’s second novel, Patricide, rumbles with violence, even when there’s none to be seen on

this is the fugitive

Misha Pam Dick Essay Press ($15.95) by Jay Besemer Reading means taking into the body. That’s a description deriving from practice, not a dictionary definition.

The Catch

Fiona Sampson Chatto & Windus / Random House UK ($18.95) by Kevin Holton In The Catch, Fiona Simpson displays the minutiae of suburbia with frenetic

Dwelling in Illegibility

Editor's Note: Elisabeth Workman gave this presentation at the Asemic Translations event, sponsored by Rain Taxi and held at Minnesota Center for Book Arts on

Save Twilight: Selected Poems

Julio Cortázar translated by Stephen Kessler City Lights Books ($17) by John M. Bennett Julio Cortázar (1914-1984), the great Argentine novelist whose highly innovative and

Before the Wind

Jim Lynch Alfred A. Knopf ($26.95) by Daniel Picker Both the waters of Puget Sound and family figure prominently in Jim Lynch’s novel Before the

On Borrowed Wings

Chandra Prasad Washington Square Press ($20.99) by Dennis Barone Some say a novel begins with the question “what if?” Chandra Prasad has a simple proposition