Aleister Crowley: The Beast in Berlin

Art, Sex, and Magick in the Weimar Republic Tobias Churton Inner Traditions ($29.95) by Spencer Dew In this volume exploring Aleister Crowley’s two years in

Sketches from AWP

by Anita White Below are some impressions, moments, glimpses of genius and humor at the 2015 Association of Writers and Writing Programs conference held in


Heimrad Bäcker translated by Patrick Greaney Ugly Duckling Presse ($18) by Rebecca Hart Olander The spare white cover of Seascape, with its gray letterpress-font title,

Reckless Lovely

Martha Silano Saturnalia Books ($15) by Janet McCann Martha Silano’s fourth collection Reckless Lovely is a rapid trip that seems to start in the middle

Post Subject: A Fable

Oliver de la Paz University of Akron Press ($14.95) by John Bradley “Dear Empire,” opens each of this book’s ninety-five epistolary prose poems. This is