Bluett's Blue Hours

Thomas E. Kennedy Wynkin deWorde (£21.72) by Linda Lappin Thomas E. Kennedy, an American writer based in Denmark, has just come forth with the second

Denny Smith

Robert Glück Clear Cut Press ($12.95) by Gail Scott For me, the arbitrary status of The Review as respected judgment based on common notions of

The Book of Ten Nights and a Night

John Barth Houghton Mifflin ($24) by Alicia L. Conroy The world of letters would be noticeably more tame without John Barth—erudite, playful, enamored of adolescent

Clumsy | Unlikely

Clumsy Top Shelf Productions ($10) Unlikely Top Shelf Productions ($14.95) Jeffrey Brown by Jennifer Przybylski Autobiography is the longtime province of underground comics, and pioneers

Immigrant Blues

Goran Simic Translated by Amela Simic Brick Books ($15) by Gilbert Wesley Purdy On a continent where so much seems assured, the threat of devastation

The To Sound

Eric Baus Verse Press ($12) by Jane Sprague We develop in the space between revolving and breath. In the field of string theory, physicists research

Here & Elsewhere: poetic cul-de-sac

Raymond Federman Six Gallery Press/Journal of Experimental Fiction ($9.99) by Karl Krause Jorge Luis Borges's essay "The Superstitious Ethics of the Reader" identifies literature's ability

Iraqi Poetry Today

Edited by Saadi Simawe and Daniel Weissbort Zephyr Press ($16.95) by Jeffrey C. Alfier Paul Fussell once described British soldier-poet Edmund Blunden's decision to write