Come West and See

Maxim Loskutoff W. W. Norton & Company ($25.95) by George Longenecker Come West and See, Maxim Luskutoff’s first short story collection, offers a collage of

The People Vs. Democracy

Why Our Freedom Is in Danger and How to Save It Yascha Mounk Harvard University Press ($29.95) by Spencer Dew “To save democracy,” Yascha Mounk

Fifty Playwrights on Their Craft

Caroline Jester and Caridad Svich Edited by Caroline Jester Bloomsbury/Methuen Drama ($35.95) by Justin Maxwell In Fifty Playwrights on Their Craft, dramaturg Caroline Jester and

A Certain Roughness in Their Syntax

Jorge Aulicino Translated by Judith Filc Tupelo Press ($16.95) by M. Lock Swingen A foreboding sense of violence and loss pervades A Certain Roughness in

Poet in Spain

Federico García Lorca Translated by Sarah Arvio Alfred A. Knopf ($35) by Patrick James Dunagan An enthusiastic, near universal adoration swathes the work of Federico

Fall 2018

INTERVIEWS: Revisiting the Journey: An Interview with Craig Thompson In this transcript of a talk given at the 2018 Autoptic Festival in Minneapolis, Rain Taxi