Lost Empress

Sergio De La Pava Pantheon ($29.95) by Chris Via Sergio De La Pava’s first book, A Naked Singularity, cast a long shadow that continues to

The House of Nordquist

Book 3 of the Eroica Trilogy Eugene Garber Transformations Press ($9.99) by Martin Nakell In The House of Nordquist, Eugene K. Garber writes not about

Pure Hollywood

Christine Schutt Grove Press ($23) by Erin Lewenauer Author of three novels and two short story collections, Christine Schutt, with the exacting grace of a

The New Nudity

Hadara Bar-Nadav Saturnalia Books ($16) by Denise Low Hadara Bar-Nadav’s The New Nudity is a book of riddles, one of the oldest literary forms. The

Electric Snakes

Adrian C. Louis Backwaters Press ($16) by Warren Woessner The title of this poetry collection is an elaboration of its epigraph by D. H. Lawrence:

Negative Space

Luljeta Lleshanaku Translated by Ani Gjika New Directions ($16.95) by John Bradley “I was a child when my first teacher / mispronounced my last name

The President’s Gardens

Muhsin Al-Ramli Translated by Luke Leafgren MacLehose Press ($26.99) by Mark Gozonsky In One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel García Márquez invented Macondo, a remote


C. L. Polk Tor Books ($15.99) by Catherine Rockwood In her debut novel, C. L. Polk sets out to show “good people striving to do