Dan Gerber Copper Canyon Press ($16) by George Kalamaras Dan Gerber has always been a quietly magnificent poet. From his earliest book, 1971’s The Revenant,
Dan Gerber Copper Canyon Press ($16) by George Kalamaras Dan Gerber has always been a quietly magnificent poet. From his earliest book, 1971’s The Revenant,
Grant Loveys ECW Press ($18.95) by Erick Piller While the title of award-winning fiction writer Grant Loveys’s first book of poetry, Our Gleaming Bones Unrobed, calls
Annie Finch Wesleyan University Press ($30) by Bethany Rose Prosseda Annie Finch’s Spells is an aptly named compilation of poems, performance pieces, poetic dramas, and verse translations
Moira Egan Passager Books ($14) by Heidi Czerwiec I bought Hot Flash Sonnets assuming it was a sequel to the anthology coedited by Moira Egan, Hot Sonnets (Entasis Press,
by Paul McRandle Surrealism in the United States has a labyrinthine and explosive history. Forced into an uneasy exile in New York City by the