GLOSSOLALIA: New & Selected Stories
David Jauss Press 53 ($19.95) by Benjamin Woodard The greatest hits album is an interesting beast, for while an artist’s most popular work is compiled
David Jauss Press 53 ($19.95) by Benjamin Woodard The greatest hits album is an interesting beast, for while an artist’s most popular work is compiled
Demetria Martínez University of Oklahoma Press ($14.95) by Jenn Mar In her highly anticipated The Block Captain’s Daughter, Demetria Martínez lays the groundwork for a new
Anthony Varallo Triquarterly Books/Northwestern University Press ($17.95) by James Naiden Anthony Varallo’s third collection of stories brings together disparate elements of his characters’ lives, the
Eric Lundgren Overlook Duckworth ($25.95) by Daniel Green Although nothing definitive can be said about prevailing assumptions in American writing by considering any particular first
Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics Edited by TC Tolbert and Tim Trace Peterson Nightboat Books ($27.95) by Matthew Cheney Lori Selke’s biographical note at
Volume Four: North African Literature Edited by Pierre Joris and Habib Tengour multiple translators University of California Press ($39.95) by Brooke Horvath The first two
Jim Cohn Musex Records ($25) by Kirpal Gordon Although Venerable Madtown Hall is postbeat poet/scholar/musician Jim Cohn’s eighth CD of spoken word and music, it’s his first
Malachi Black Argos Books ($10) by Tikva Jacob The best way to read Malachi Black’s Quarantine may be to start at the end. Or in the middle.
Jen Hofer Little Red Leaves ($12) by Marthe Reed Jen Hofer’s new chapbook Front Page News, a series of newspaper cut-ups clipped from the front page
Alfred Corn Press 53 ($14.95) by James Naiden Alfred Corn has published nine volumes of poetry since 1976. He has also published a novel and