Warren Ellis and John Cassaday Wildstorm/DC Comics ($14.99) by Woody Evans A story of great complexity and grace, Planetary is about a group of extraordinary people with
Warren Ellis and John Cassaday Wildstorm/DC Comics ($14.99) by Woody Evans A story of great complexity and grace, Planetary is about a group of extraordinary people with
David Michalski Bootstrap Press ($15) by David Madgalene What happened to the Word Trade Center on September 11, 2001 changed the world and much has
Stefanie Marlis Apogee Press ($12.95) by Eric Elshtain Few poets today twist with language like Stefanie Marlis; almost to a one, each poem in her
David Breskin Soft Skull Press ($13.95) by Ross O'Hara The “Prelude” to David Breskin’s Escape Velocity includes a sprawling sestina that envelopes the page with music, art,
Adrian Castro Coffee House Press ($14) by Shannon Gibney In order to tell a story, you must have a language in which to tell it.
Colette Inez Melville House Publishing ($12.95) by Daniela Gioseffi Colette Inez has been an independent voice on the New York City poetry scene for many
Anne Carson Alfred A. Knopf ($24.95) by Courtney Queeney Anne Carson’s genius and weakness reside in her work’s incredible range of form and conception. Decreation contains (among
The First Crusade: A New History, The Roots of Conflict Between Christianity and Islam Thomas Asbridge Oxford University Press ($35) The Fourth Crusade and the
Alexandra Bruce The Disinformation Company ($9.95) by Jaye Beldo Packaging quantum physics for the masses inevitably draws forth many a paradox. In the independent film What
Michelle Herman University of Nebraska Press ($25) by Clifford Garstang Mistakes were made: that’s the gist of The Middle of Everything, Michelle Herman’s “memoirs of motherhood.”