Susan Howe New Directions ($14.95) by Aaron Kunin "Admit that a character who is exiting can be seen only from behind . . ." --André
Susan Howe New Directions ($14.95) by Aaron Kunin "Admit that a character who is exiting can be seen only from behind . . ." --André
Kamau Brathwaite We Press and Xcp: Cross-Cultural Poetics ($15.95) by Anna Reckin Kamau Brathwaite's ConVERSations with Nathaniel Mackey is an extraordinary and provocative reminder of the possibilities
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Lewis Warsh Trip Street Press ($10) by Gil Ott Collage is uniquely suited to twentieth-century European and American culture. Its operation mimics the basic perceptual
Arno Schmidt translated by John E. Woods Green Integer ($12.95) by Carolyn Kuebler This, then, my credo : directed against all the literal=airy men and
Ed Wood Four Walls Eight Windows ($9.95 each) by Kelly Everding Ed Wood has inspired an avid following—he even has a religion named after him,
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick Beacon Press ($25) by Jennie Chu In this memoir of her treatment for depression following recovery from breast cancer, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick
Gregory Benford Avon Books ($20) by Rudi Dornemann Physicist/novelist Gregory Benford has written a nonfiction book that circles around the idea of "Deep Time"—that is,
Howard Mandel Oxford University Press ($26) by Jon Rodine Future Jazz is actually an unfair title for a book like this. "Future" implies a kind
Carolyn Kinder Carr Smithsonian Institution ($30.95) by Elizabeth Culbert Stop for a moment to imagine the abstract expressionist painter Jackson Pollack at work on a