
2002 Rain Taxi Readings

Free Verse: Gerard Malanga

Walker Art Center — January 31, 2002

Well-known as a multimedia talent, Malanga-poet, photographer, filmmaker, and artist-presented a movie he made in 1967 entitled In Search of the Miraculous. After this remarkably romantic and stirring portrait of youth, Malanga read more wistful, elegiac poems recently collected in No Respect.

Cyberliterature Performance: Alan Sondheim & Miekal And

McNamara Center, University of Minnesota — February 22, 2002

The computer reigned in this evening with Sondheim, who lectured by tapping on his keyboard while showing Quicktime movies, and And, who played handmade instruments amidst his hypertext innovations.

Co-sponsored by the U of M's Program in Creative Writing, the Digital Media Center, the College of Liberal Arts, the Humanities Institute, and the English Department.

Free Verse: Michael Palmer

Walker Art Center — February 28, 2002

For his first reading ever in Minneapolis, the acclaimed poet read selections from his many works, including a suite of new poems written in response to paintings by Gerhard Richter.

Norma Cole

Catherine G. Murphy Gallery, College of St. Catherine
March 3, 2002, co-sponsored by XCP: Cross-Cultural Poetics

Reading from the recently published Spinoza in Her Youth, Cole captivated the audience with her challenging and riveting work.

Peter Richards and Matthew Zapruder

Rennaissance Box, St.Paul — April 4, 2002

Two young poets from the East Coast read from their first books, Peter Richards's Oubliette, and Matthew Zapruder's American Linden.

Free Verse: Cole Swensen

Walker Art Center — April 11, 2002

Touring us through the past, Swensen read from the medieval meditations of Such Rich Hour, as well as new poems based on antiquated household instruction manuals.

Dean Young

pARTs Gallery, Minneapolis — April 20, 2002

“Foetal robots trolled the river” as Young read from his recently published book, Skid.

Lytle Shaw

Rain Taxi Salon — June 2, 2002

Shaw and his wife, artist Emilie Clark, stopped in while passing through on a cross-country trip from San Francisco to New York City to read from his new book of poems, The Lobe.

Free Verse: Harryette Mullen

Walker Art Center — September 19, 2002

We had to turn people away because of fire codes for this one! More than a hundred people came to hear Harryette Mullen read from Sleeping with the Dictionary, her latest work of poetic wordplay, as well as Blues Baby, a collection of early work.

The Great American Prose Poem: a talk by David Lehman

Walker Art Center — October 6, 2002

Poet and critic David Lehman offered his thoughts on the seemingly paradoxical art form of Prose Poetry, tracing its development and divergences among American poets. Co-sponsored by the Walker Art Center and the Literary Arts Institute of the College of St. Benedict.

Twin Cities Book Festival

October 12th, 2002


Brenda Hillman

Soo Visual Arts Center — October 26, 2002

Acclaimed Bay Area poet Brenda Hillman dazzled this Twin Cities audience with her ability to combine lightness and gravity into a poetry of “Curved Knowledge.” Co-sponsored by the University of Minnesota Creative Writing Program.

Free Verse: Serge Fauchereau

Walker Art Center — November 7, 2002

French poet and art critic Serge Fauchereau read from Complete Fiction, his U.S. debut translated by John Ashbery and Ron Padgett. Fauchereau's energetic reading was followed by a lively question and answer session.

Free Verse: Ron Padgett

Walker Art Center — December 5, 2002

The ever-charming Ron Padgett read from his newest collection of poems, You Never Know, leaving audience members' cheeks salty from tears of laughter.

2003 Rain Taxi Readings

Lisa Fishman & Rick Meier

Speedboat Books — January 25, 2003

Rain Taxi Reading Series kicked off the new year with a fantastic reading by two young poets from Beloit, WI to a standing room only crowd in St. Paul's Speedboat Gallery. Keep your eyes and ears open for great things to come from these talented poets. Lisa Fishman's new book of poetry, Dear, Read, will knock your socks off. Rick Meier's first book, Terrain Vague, might possibly knock your pants off as well.

Free Verse: C. D. Wright

Walker Art Center — February 13, 2003

C. D. Wright captivated the audience with a searing reading of her lyrical text which accompanies photographs in One Big Self: Prisoners of Louisiana, a collaboration with photographer Deborah Luster.

Terri Ford

Rogue Buddha Gallery — March 5, 2003

Poet Terri Ford gave a boisterous and irreverent reading from her book, Why the Ships Are She, as well as new poems riffing on topics biological and illogical.

Free Verse: Bei Dao and Eliot Weinberger

Walker Art Center — April 3, 2003

A spellbound and enthusiastic audience enjoyed readings by essayist and translator Eliot Weinberger, who spoke about topics from the bird language of Papua New Guinea to the first Gulf War, and exiled Chinese poet Bei Dao, who read poems from his recent book Unlock and new poems translated that afternoon in collaboration with Eliot Weinberger! This event was webcast by the Walker Art Center and is archived at can be viewed here.

Joshua Beckman and Matthew Zapruder

Minnesota Center for Photography — April 18, 2003

These two young, prize-winning poets read to a standing-room-only audience on this rainy Spring night. Zapruder read from his new book American Linden as well as new poems. Beckman read a poem he wrote on the plane from Idaho along with a long poem from his book Something I Expected To Be Different. Thanks to the new Rain Taxi sound system, their voices rang strong and true above the swooshing cars on the street outside.


Soo Visual Arts Center — May 3, 2003

Four young poets read from their recently published books. Dan Beachy-Quick read from his lyrical book North True South Bright; Betsy Brown read “moving and merciless” poems from Year of Morphines; Aaron McCollough navigated the depths of fear in Welkin; and Peter Richards read darkly humorous poems from his second book Nude Siren. It was a great celebration of Rain Taxi Reading Series' Fifth Anniversary!

Arthur Sze

Weinstein Gallery — May 17, 2003

Arthur Sze returned to Minneapolis to celebrate Rain Taxi Reading Series' Fifth Anniversary with an elegant and intense reading, surrounded by Lynn Davis's photographs of China. Arthur read new poems as well as translations from The Silk Dragon.

Jane Miller

Walker Art Center — June 19, 2003

Jane Miller read in Gallery 7 Terrace overlooking the Minneapolis cityscape, reading all-new poems from her upcoming book A Palace of Pearls. Another stunning reading that ended the Spring 2003 Reading Series with a bang!

Free Verse: Vénus Khoury-Ghata and Marilyn Hacker

Walker Art Center — September 11, 2003

Just flown in from Paris, Marilyn Hacker and Vénus Khoury-Ghata read to a rapt audience. Hacker read from her book, Desesperanto: Poems 1999-2002. Khoury-Ghata read from She Says, reading poems in French with Hacker reading her English translations.


September 27, 2003

With dozens of exhibitors from all walks of literary life—local presses, literary organizations, and literary journals—and a full day of activities and events for the whole family, the 2003 Twin Cities Book Festival was a resounding success. Special guests Nick Bantock, Charles Baxter, Kathe Koja, and Peter Kuper read from recent work to appreciative audiences. Children were treated to storybook readings by Lisa Westberg Peters, Nancy Carlson, Alison McGhee, Pang and Michelle Yang, as well as a puppet-making workshop with Galumph Interactive Theatre.

Free Verse: Gail Scott

Walker Art Center — October 9, 2003

Canadian writer Gail Scott read from the U.S. release of her work, My Paris, a fictive diary of a disillusioned visitor to the city of lights. This was Scott's first visit to Minneapolis, and we look forward to seeing more of her publications in the U.S.!

Ted Enslin and Michael Heller

Ruminator Books — October 12, 2003

A stirring reading by two eminent poets, Michael Heller read from his recent collection Exigent Futures: New and Selected Poems while Ted Enslin read from recent poem cycles and Then, and Now: Selected Poems, 1943-1993.

Brian Henry, Andrew Zawacki, and Ethan Paquin

October 18, 2003

Three young up-and-coming poets read from their work on a temperate October night. Brian Henry, author of three books of poetry, read from his latest book Graft. Andrew Zawacki read from his first book of poems, By Reason of Breakings. Ethan Paquin read from his recent book, Acumulus.

Free Verse: Peter Gizzi

Walker Art Center — November 6, 2003

Gizzi read from his visionary new work Some Values of Landscape and Weather, a volume which revives poetic architectures such as elegy, song, and litany to build “a comprehensive music” against a backdrop of political, social, and ethical values.

Elizabeth Robinson

Weinstein Gallery — November 23, 2003

Intrepid poetry lovers braved a blizzard to hear award-winning poet Elizabeth Robinson read from her books, including the recent winner of the Fence Modern Poets Prize, Apprehend, amidst multiple representations of pyramids in the Weinstein Gallery.

Free Verse: Jeff VanderMeer

Walker Art Center — December 4, 2003

Jeff VanderMeer introduced the rapt audience to the bizarre city of Ambergris in his multi-media presentation “An Introduction of Ambergris,” the subject of his novel City of Saints & Madmen. VanderMeer also treated the audience to an excerpt from a collection he edited entitled The Thackery T. Lambshead Guide to Eccentric and Discredited Diseases.

2004 Rain Taxi Readings

Free Verse: Pierre Joris & Nicole Peyrafitte

Walker Art Center — January 22, 2004

Pierre Joris and Nicole Peyrafitte gave an awe-inspiring voco-visual performance, incorporating music, art, and poetry in their presentation SUMERICABACHBONEs, a double tryptich traveling from Mesopotamia to America to Europe.

Lisa Jarnot

Speedboat Books and Art Gallery — February 15, 2004

Lisa Jarnot read from her latest collection Black Dog Songs to a packed room of cold weather-defying poetry lovers, weaving meditative lyrics on chinchillas and tapirs with “music-of-rhythmed sounds.”

Matthea Harvey & D.A. Powell

Minnesota Center for Photography — Friday, March 19, 2004

Two Graywolf Press poets read from their recently published work to a standing-room-only crowd at the Minnesota Center for Photography in Minneapolis. Matthea Harvey read her humorous and surreal poems from Sad Little Breathing Machine. D. A. Powell read his eloquent and astonishing poems from Cocktails.

The Prose Poem: A Panel

Minnesota Book Awards Celebration — April 25, 2004

Moderated by Eric Lorberer, a panel consisting of local prose poem practitioners Diane Glancy, Ray Gonzalez, and Jim Heynen discussed a few of the controversies surrounding this elusive genre.

Simon Pettet & William D. Waltz

Tuesday, May 18, 2004,
No Name Exhibitions at the Soap Factory

Two practitioners of verse paired up for a dazzling reading amidst No Name's exhibit “Your Heart Is No Match For My Love.” Pettet, an active participant in the New York art scene since the late ’70s, read from his Selected Poems. Local poet and editor of Conduit, Waltz read from his first publication Zoo Music.

Joanna Fuhrman

Rain Taxi Salon — June 19, 2004

The author of Freud in Brooklyn and Ugh Ugh Ocean read work in progress from her captivating “Moraine” series.

Steve Healey

No Name Exhibitions at the Soap Factory—September 17, 2004

Rain Taxi Reading Series inaugurated its 2004 Fall season with a book-launch party for local writer Steve Healey, who read from his stirring debut poetry collection, Earthling, to a 100+, standing-room-only crowd.

Rebecca Wolff & Catherine Wagner

Micawber's Books—September 20, 2004

Two of the finest young voices in poetry visited the Twin Cities as part of their nationwide tour. Both read from their second books: Rebecca Wolff read from Figment, which won the Barnard Women Poets Prize, and Catherine Wagner read from Macular Hole, published by Fence Books.

2004 Twin Cities Book Festival

Minneapolis Community & Technical College — October 16, 2004

At this all-day extravaganza celebrating books, nearly 4000 people attended the exhibitor fair and reading events. Feature authors included: Chris Baty, Zander Cannon, Janet Desaulniers, Kate DiCamillo, Karen Joy Fowler, Fanny Howe, Wayne Koestenbaum, Rick Kupchella, Doug Nufer, Sheila O'Connor, Julie Schumacher, Eleni Sikelianos, and Sun Yung Shin.

Noah Eli Gordon and Eric Baus

Speedboat Books & Gallery — October 28, 2004

Two rising stars of poetry read from their recent publications. Noah Gordon read from The Frequencies and from a new manuscript. Eric Baus read from The To Sound and a delightful new poem about toy trains.

Kathleen Fraser

Minnesota Center for Photography — November 11th, 2004
co-sponsored by the Walker Art Center.

Reading to a packed room on a lovely, crisp November evening, Fraser threaded texts from her book of essays, Translating the Unspeakable: Poetry and the Innovative Necessity and her newest collection of poetry, DISCRETE CATEGORIES FORCED INTO COUPLING. She also treated the audience to a language defying reading of her cut-up poem, hi dde violeth i dde violet.

2005 Rain Taxi Readings

with Harriet Bart, Nor Hall, and Franz Kamin

The Southern Theater — February 14th, 2005

Valentine's Day was celebrated in style with a sold-out show blending writing, sculpture, and music by these esteemed Twin Cities artists. Nor Hall presented a scintillating illustrated discursus on eros; Franz Kamin and fellow musicians performed “Coilular Angel;” and Harriet Bart read from her new artist’s book, PUNICA GRANATUM: A Symposium on the True Nature of the Pomegranate & the Myth of Aphrodite.

Dobby Gibson

Rogue Buddha Gallery — April 8, 2005

The book launch reading and reception for Dobby Gibson's debut book of poems, Polar, was a great success with standing-room-only poetry enthusiasts packing the newly relocated Rogue Buddha Gallery for a taste of Gibson's perceptive and humorous take on American life. A great time was had by all!

Gillian Conoley and Rusty Morrison

Micawber's Books — Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Two fantastic West coast poets read to a rapt crowd on a blustery spring day. Rusty Morrison read from her first collection of poems, Whethering, “agile lines that canyon-open” (Forrest Gander). Gillian Conoley read from her fifth collection called Profane Halo, where “out of old beliefs a new language speaks” (Barbara Guest).

Paul Auster

Walker Art Center — Thursday, June 23, 2005

Internationally renowned writer Paul Auster read a stunning prose poem from his new collection, Collected Poems, and then proceeded to discuss his career in writing with Rain Taxi editor Eric Lorberer. If you missed this standing-room-only event, you may go to the Walker Art Center website and view the webcast.

Raymond Federman

Nolte Library, University of Minnesota — Monday, October 3, 2005

Acclaimed experimental writer-raconteur Raymond Federman read from his latest meditation on memory, imagination, and the self, My Body in Nine Parts.

Co-sponsored by the Creative Writing Program, the French and Italian Departments, the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Jewish Studies, and the Institute for Advanced Studies.

2005 Twin Cities Book Festival

Minneapolis Community and Technical College — Saturday, October 15, 2005

Guest authors for this day-long celebration of books included Harvey Pekar, Audrey Niffenegger, Rick Moody, Ana Castillo, Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, Siri Hustvedt, Alison McGhee & Pete Hautman, and Eliot Weinberger & Forrest Gander.

Free Verse: Alice Notley

Walker Art Center — November 10, 2005

In her first appearance in the Twin Cities, acclaimed poet Alice Notley read from as yet unpublished work to a rapt audience. Notley, a New York School poet, now resides in Paris. Rain Taxi also celebrated the just-published Collected Poems of Ted Berrigan, which Notley edited along with Anselm and Edmund Berrigan, with a salon reading the following night.

Rain Taxi Tenth Anniversary Celebration

Rogue Buddha Gallery — December 10, 2005

Rain Taxi Review of Books turned ten this year, and we had to mark the occasion with a little shindig. Find out more about this event by clicking here!

2006 Rain Taxi Readings

FREE VERSE: Kenneth Goldsmith

Walker Art Center, February 23th, 2006

Goldsmith gave a highly entertaining reading, sampling from his many experimental works such as Fidget and The Weather, and rousingly sung excerpts from Head Citations, to an enthusiastic and packed crowd. Hear Kenneth Goldsmith read for yourself on the Walker Art Center web site!

R.M. Berry and Noy Holland

Micawbers Books, Friday, March 24, 2006

It was a wonderful turnout on a nice spring evening for stories. Berry read from his recent novel Frank, a wry and eloquent "unwriting" of Shelley's Frankenstein. Holland read from her recent story collection What Begins With Bird, bringing alive a lyrical and rural landscape.

FREE VERSE: Richard Hell

Walker Art Center, Thursday, April 20, 2006

The legendary Richard Hell packed the auditorium with an eclectic mix of punks and art lovers, reading from early poetry, his first novel Go Now, his collaborative work with David Shapiro, Rabbit Duck, and his most recent novel Godlike. If you missed it, check out the webcast of Richard Hell's reading on the Walker Art Center web site!

Matt Hart, Anthony Hawley, Amanda Nadelberg, and Laura Sims

The Soap Factory, May 13, 2006

Words warmed a chilly Minnesota spring night, as four great new talents read from their first books to a standing room only crowd.

John Koethe

Magers & Quinn Booksellers, June 16, 2006

It was a dark and stormy night, but that didn't deter Milwaukee's John Koethe from delivering a delightful reading to a rapt crowd from his latest book, Sally's Hair.

FREE VERSE: The Poetry Bus Tour

Walker Art Center, September 14, 2006

The Poetry Bus Tour, sponsored by Wave Books, hit Minneapolis on a gorgeous day! Flocks of poetry lovers (along with Canada geese) followed visiting and local poets as they read through the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden. More readings continued (sans geese) inside the Walker Art Center as poets and listeners moved through the galleries and finally ended up at the cinema. Sixteen poets read from their work: Joshua Marie Wilkinson, Chris Fischbach, Amanda Nadelberg, Travis Nichols, Scott Helmes, Anthony McCann, Becky Peterson, Brian Engel-Fuentes, Matthew Zapruder, Kelly Everding, Joshua Beckman, John Colburn, Catherine Wagner, G.E. Patterson, Tina Brown Celona, and Anselm Berrigan. The Poetry Bus, making a 50-city tour through the United States and Canada, truly exposed the Twin Cities as a flourishing poetic landscape!
Click here to see pictures from the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden readings!

Brandon Downing and Macgregor Card

Spot Art Gallery, October 6, 2006

On this night of the harvest moon, Brandon Downing and Macgregor Card read poems to an enthusiastic crowd at this co-sponsored event with Spout Press. The evening also featured an animated short film by local Tom Schroeder and music by The Godevils. For a picture and Eric Lorberer's stress-induced introductions (for which he truly apologizes) click here.

2006 Twin Cities Book Festival

Minneapolis Community and Technical College — , October 14, 2006

Guest authors for this day-long celebration of books included Mark Z. Danielewski, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, John Yau, Mary Roach, Julie Powell, Steven Lee Beeber, Lawrence Sutin, Kelly Link & Gavin Grant, Shannon Hale, and Amanda Adams.

Marjane Satrapi

Lyndale Congregational Church, October 26, 2006
co-sponsored by Magers & Quinn

Internationally acclaimed Iranian cartoonist Marjane Satrapi spoke to a full house--348 people!--about her experience writing her award-winning comic book autobiography, Persepolis and Persepolis 2, as well as her newest memoir, Chicken With Plums. Her wit and wisdom concerning dictatorships, world affairs, art, and the pleasures of life kept the audience laughing and engaged on this rare occasion.

Rosamond Purcell

Minnesota Center for Photography, November 14, 2006
co-sponsored by the Minnesota Center for Photography

Rosamond Purcell presented a stunningly beautiful retrospective of her career as a photographer, including work from natural history museum collections, her own collections of dessicated books and rescued objects, and her carefully constructed collages, all in celebration of her new book Bookworm.

FREE VERSE: Keith and Rosmarie Waldrop

Walker Art Center, November 30, 2006

Poets, translators, and Burning Deck Press publishers Keith and Rosmarie Waldrop read from their expansive oevre, including a collaborative poem, to a rapt audience on this last, cold November evening.

2007 Rain Taxi Readings

FREE VERSE: Neil Gaiman & Dave McKean

Walker Art Center, January 11th, 2007

The amazing duo of Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean dazzled a full house at the Walker for our first event of 2007—Dave showed both still and moving pictures from his amazing body of work, Neil read poems and related juicy tidbits about the pair's long collaborative friendship, then both men conversed with each other and with the audience about everything from depictions of violence in comics to current and upcoming projects. See the webcast here. Also, listen to an interview with Neil and Dave on MPR.

Michael Lesy

Minnesota Center for Photography, Monday, February 26, 2007

Photographic historian Michael Lesy gave a fantastic presentation about his new book Murder City: The Bloody History of Chicago in the Twenties, an engrossing portrait of violence in the heartland of America. Lesy introduced the audience to the many sordid characters involved in criminal mayhem. The event was co-presented by the Minnesota Center for Photography.

Michael Friedman & Anselm Hollo

Rogue Buddha Gallery, Thursday, March 29, 2007

A great crowd braved gray skies to hear these two extraordinary and humorous authors read from recent works. Friedman read from his prose poems in Species and his new novel Martian Dawn. Hollo read from his newest collection of poems, Guests of Space.

Clayton Eshleman

Magers & Quinn Booksellers, Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Celebrating the completion of a lifelong translation odyssey, poet and translator Clayton Eshleman read stunning selections from the recently released The Complete Poetry of César Vallejo as well as stirring poems from his own latest poetry collections, An Alchemist with One Eye on Fire and Reciprocal Distillations.

FREE VERSE: Kevin Young

Walker Art Center, May 3, 2007

Kevin Young gave a stirring presentation and reading in conjunction with the exhibition Kara Walker: My Complement, My Enemy, My Oppressor, My Love, presenting racially charged images of daguerrotypes and stereotypes and discussing the use of these images in Walker's art. Young also read poems from his powerful collections including To Repel Ghosts and For the Confederate Dead, as well as new poems from a series of odes. Click here to view the webcast of this reading!

Austin Grossman and Douglas Wolk

Minneapolis College of Art and Design, Thursday, June 28, 2007

Comics enthusiasts gathered at MCAD to hear a super-powered presentation! Douglas Wolk, author of Reading Comics: How Graphic Novels Work and What They Mean gave a powerpoint presentation of the state of comics today, declaring we are entering a new "golden age." Austin Grossman read from his riveting novel Soon I Will Be Invincible, taking on the voice of his evil mastermind Dr. Impossible with remarkable aplomb. Joining our heroes was MCAD Comic Art professor Barb Schulz in a discussion of their books and the state of comics in general.

FREE VERSE: Jerome Rothenberg

Walker Art Center, September 6, 2007

Esteemed poet and translator Jerome Rothenberg presented an historical context for Picasso's writing and gave a rousing reading of the great painter's poetry from The Burial of the Count of Orgaz and Other Poems. Rothenberg also read from his own work influenced by modernist artists and writers, including poems from That Dada Strain and The Lorca Variations. Click here to view the webcast of this reading!

2007 Twin Cities Book Festival

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Thousands flocked to the one-day celebration of the written word! The Festival included an exhibit featuring an excellent array of publishers, literary organizations, magazines, and authors, as well as readings and panels scheduled throughout the day. Special guests this year included Chris Abani, Gina B. Nahai, Diane Williams, Bin Ramke, Laura Moriarty, Linda Spalding, Andrew Helfer, David Lubar, and terrific children's activities in the Children's Storytelling Circle! Click here for more info on this and other past Festivals.

Joe Sacco

Walker Art Center, Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Internationally acclaimed cartoonist and journalist Joe Sacco attracted nearly 300 comics aficionados and other intrigued people to hear him discuss the inspiration and experiences behind his award-winning books such as Palestine, Safe Area Gorazde, and The Fixer. Sacco also answered many questions posed by the engaged audience. This special event was co-presented by the Walker Art Center in conjunction with their Brave New Worlds exhibit. If you missed it, click here to listen to the webcast!

Ron Padgett
in conversation with Garrison Keillor

Virginia Street Swedenborgian Church, Sunday, November 18, 2007

Eager enthusiasts packed the pews on a Sunday afternoon to hear New York poet Ron Padgett read from his newest collection of poetry, How To Be Perfect. Padgett was introduced by radio personality Garrison Keillor, who engaged the author in an on-stage conversation for the remainder of the program, resulting in lively banter about Padgett's unique take on the nature of poetry. The event was co-presented by Common Good Books.

2008 Rain Taxi Readings

Johannes Göransson & Joyelle McSweeney

Rogue Buddha Gallery, March 7, 2008

Johannes Göransson and Joyelle McSweeney dazzled with a "variety hour" style reading from recent works of poetry, translation, and fiction. Göransson read from his poetry books A New Quarantine Will Take My Place and Pilot (Johann the Carousel Horse). McSweeney read from her works Flet and the baroque noir novella Nylund, the Sarcographer, along with some new poetry.

FREE VERSE: Kent Johnson

Walker Art Center, April 10th, 2008

The gracious Kent Johnson read poems from Hiroshima survivor Araki Yasusada's Doubled Flowering and presented an enlightening essay on authorship which addressed the controversy behind the publication of this created persona. If you missed this fascinating reading due to the spring storm, the Walker Art Center will post an audio recording of this event. Click here to listen.

featuring Christina Davis

Open Book, April 28, 2008

The inaugural State-to-State Poets Exchange (a collaborative effort between Rain Taxi Review of Books and the Poetry Society of America) started off with a bang with poet Christina Davis (author of Forth A Raven) reading from her work in progress. She then joined editors Eric Lorberer (Rain Taxi) and Rob Casper (jubilat) for an on-stage interview, a transcript of whch was featured in the summer 2008 issue of Rain Taxi Review of Books!!


August 20th, 2008

Rain Taxi Review of Books celebrated 50 continuous issues with a party and fundraiser at the offices of our long-time colleagues Consortium Book Sales and Distribution. Find out more about this event by clicking here!


Walker Art Center, September 25th, 2008

If you were lucky enough to attend this hilarious event, then you know who the Flarf Collective is: poets Nada Gordon, Sharon Mesmer, K. Silem Mohammed, and Gary Sullivan read from their "Google-sculpted" works of strange and entertaining poems that cast a parodic look at the world of the inter-nets. The four provacateurs effortlessly choreographed their reading, delving into themes of assorted and sordid human foibles vis-à-vis unicorns, kitty cats, and robots, to name a few. If you sadly missed this unique reading, fear not! For Flarf lives on in—of all places—the web! View this momentous historical event for yourself.

2008 Twin Cities Book Festival

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Thousands flocked to the one-day celebration of the written word! The Festival included an exhibit featuring an excellent array of publishers, literary organizations, magazines, and authors, as well as readings and panels scheduled throughout the day. Special guests this year included Alan Cheuse, Ana Clavel, Jaime Hernandez, Valerie Martin, Bill Morgan, Bragi Ólafsson, Nathaniel Tarn, Jess Winfield, Robert Bly, and Robert Hedin as well as terrific storytelling and children's activities in the Children's Storytelling Circle! Click here for information about this and other past Festivals.

featuring William Waltz

Lillian Vernon House at NYU, Thursday, November 6, 2008

Part two of our inaugural State-to-State Poets Exchange (a collaborative effort between Rain Taxi Review of Books and the Poetry Society of America) featured emerging poet William Waltz (author of Zoo Music) reading from his work in progress. He then joined editors Eric Lorberer (Rain Taxi) and Rob Casper (jubilat) for an on-stage interview, a transcript of which will be featured in an upcoming issue of Rain Taxi Review of Books!


Walker Art Center, November 15, 2008

Lucky listeners were treated to a rare appearance by visionary author Samuel R. Delany who gave a lively reading from his newest work of fiction, Dark Reflections. After answering audience questions, Delany then read a stirring and illuminating excerpt from his memoir, The Motion of Light in Water, recently re-printed by the University of Minnesota Press. For those of you who were unable to attend this momentous occasion, you can listen to it here!

2009 Rain Taxi Readings

Dobby Gibson

Open Book, January 9, 2009

It was standing room only at the book launch celebration of local poet Dobby Gibson's second collection of poems Skirmish. Nearly 200 people gathered this chilly winter evening to hear Gibson read these finely crafted poems and then receive original fortunes written by Gibson at the reception afterwards.

Dan Beachy-Quick

Open Book, January 30, 2009

At this special event held in the Minnesota Center for Book Arts gallery, Dan Beachy-Quick read from his genre-bending book A Whaler's Dictionary, prodding the audience to dictate the course of metaphysical definitions inspired by Melville's Moby-Dick. Afterwards, everyone enjoyed a hearty rum punch and hardtack crackers!

Multiples Mall and Chapbook Lecture

Walker Art Center, February 21, 2009

The very first book fair at the Walker Art Center was a grand success! Minnesota artists who make book-related multiples set up shop for a day of merriment, complete with short presentations on the history of chapbooks, radical reasons for making multiples, and more. Also, Eric Lorberer presented a slide show lecture on the History of the Chapbook. View the lecture now at the Walker Channel.

C.A. Conrad, Aaron Kunin, and Magdalena Zurawski

Magers & Quinn Booksellers, March 8, 2009

In celebration of Small Press Month, three talented and entertaining authors read from recent works: Aaron Kunin read from his novel The Mandarin (Fence Books), C.A. Conrad read poetry from a variety of new and upcoming books including advanced ELVIS course (Soft Skull Press, 2009) and The Book of Frank (Chax Press, 2009), and Magdalena Zurawski read from her novel The Bruise (FC2).

FREE VERSE: The Collaborative Artists' Book

featuring Bill Berkson, Vincent Katz, and Lewis Warsh

Walker Art Center, April 16th, 2009

In conjunction with the Walker exhibition Text/Messages: Books by Artists, Berkson, Katz, and Warsh read and presented images from their collaborations with artists. Afterwards, they were joined by Eric Lorberer for a lively discussion on the process of collaboration. Vincent Katz read from his book Judge, a collaboration with Wayne Gonzalez as well as Alcuni Telefonini, a collaboration with Francesco Clemente; Lewis Warsh read his work Debtor's Prison, a collaboration with video artist Julie Harrison;, and Bill Berkson read from his work, Gloria, a collaboration with Alex Katz. You can view this event here.

Joanna Rawson & John Koethe

Common Good Books, September 11, 2009

In the acoustically-optimal depths of Blair House, Rain Taxi kicked off a new season with an intense double-header poetry reading. John Koethe read from his new book of poems, Ninety-Fifth Street, including the meditational and evocative title poem. Joanna Rawson read from her second volume of poems, Unrest, dark, challenging poems on this eighth anniversary of 9/11.

Kate Greenstreet & Norma Cole

Micawber’s Books, Tuesday, September 29, 7:30 pm

Those brave enough to face the gauntlet of traffic and highway construction were very lucky to catch this wonderful reading by Norma Cole and Kate Greenstreet. Kate read from her recent publication, The Last Four Things, and Norma read from her recent selected, Where Shadows Will: Selected Poems 1988-2008, along with new poems.

2009 Twin Cities Book Festival

Saturday, October 2009

Special guest authors for this one-day celebration of the written word included Diane Ackerman, Lorrie Moore, Nicholson Baker, Robert Olen Butler, Christian Bök, Adam Zagajewski, David Allen Sibley, Gabrielle Bell, and Ethan Gilsdorf. Click here to see more of the highlights from this great celebration of the book!

Dara Wier & Ed Sanders

Rogue Buddha Gallery, Wednesday, October 28, 7:30 pm

Poetry enthusiasts packed the gallery for this powerful, synergistic reading by two outstanding poets. Dara Wier and Ed Sanders, each employing a mesmerizing musicality, read from their respective (and newly released) Selected Poems to a wowed audience.

FREE VERSE: DIGITAL POETRY with Oni Buchanan & Brian Kim Stefans

Walker Art Center, Thursday, November 12, 2009, 7:00 pm

The audience was treated to a unique presentation of poetry in motion. Buchanan read from her organic and moving The Mandrake Vehicles, while Stefans beguiled with entropic fonts and Lovecraftian fish. See a video of this event HERE

Mickey Leigh & Legs McNeil

Nick and Eddie Restaurant, Friday, December 18, 9:00 pm

Punk rock fans got a glimpse of a legend's past as Joey Ramone's brother Mickey Leigh and "Please Kill Me" author Legs McNeil read from their collaborative new book, I Slept With Joey Ramone. After the reading, Mickey and a trio of Twin Cities rock musicians played a few Ramones tunes onstage! (Co-sponsored by Nick and Eddie.)

2010 Rain Taxi Readings

Emergent Poets III
featuring Julie Carr, Christine Hume, and Andrew Zawacki

Magers & Quinn Booksellers, January 9, 2010

Three excellent poets with three books each read about Georgia, violence, and too many Daves, warming up a poetry-ready crowd on a frigid wintry night in Minneapolis.

An Evening with Brian Evenson and Zak Sally

Bryant Lake Bowl, January 25, 2010

Those who braved the frigid winter temps were treated to an evening of haunting music, disquieting fiction, and a conversation about comics, horror, and more. Local musician and cartoonist Zak Sally, also celebrating his latest graphic novel release Like A Dog, played four songs from his new solo album, Fear of Song. Then award-winning author Brian Evenson read stories from his new book Fugue State. Finally, both Zak and Brian joined Rain Taxi editor Eric Lorberer for an on-stage conversation. (Co-sponsored by Magers and Quinn Booksellers.)

Miranda Mellis & Megan Vossler

Franklin Art Works, March 3, 2010

Miranda Mellis read excerpts from her novella, The Revisionist, amid the Sound Signals exhibit by Megan Vossler. Later, Vossler discussed with Mellis the impact of this novella on her work.

FREE VERSE: Susan Howe & David Grubbs

Walker Art Center, April 29, 2010

A stunning and moving performance of Souls of the Labadie Tract by Howe and Grubbs kept the audience mesmerized. This unique collaboration combined soundscapes and word meditations on the Labadist sect which occupied territory in Maryland in the early 1700s before being scattered to the wind. View the performance now. See pictures from this event HERE.

A Celebration of Midwestern Poetry

Minnesota Center for Book Arts, May 14, 2010

Crowds flocked to celebrate Midwestern Poetry, with standing room only at the 4pm panel discussion featuring local poets Dobby Gibson, Sarah Fox, G.E. Patterson, Sun Yung Shin, Michael Walsh, and Bryan Thao Worra, and a full house enjoying poetic offerings by Antler, Marvin Bell, Robert Bly, Heid Erdrich, Ray Gonzalez, Mary Kinzie, Jim Moore, and Thylias Moss. Co-sponsored by Rain Taxi and the Poetry Society of America, celebrating its 100th anniversary. This activity is made possible, in part, by funds provided by the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council from an appropriation by the Minnesota Legislature.

Steve Healey and Gillian Conoley

The Soap Factory, September 10, 2010

It was standing room only as poetry lovers flocked to the Soap Factory to celebrate the book launch of local poet Steve Healey's new collection, 10 Mississippi, and revel in California poety Gillian Conoley's new collection of poetry, The Plot Genie. The rain fell, the waves of the Mississippi lapped along the banks, and poetry filled the air!

2010 Twin Cities Book Festival

Saturday, October 2010

Throughout the day, book-lovers filled the reading rooms, eager to hear words come alive with readings by M. T. Anderson, Richard Paul Evans, Mary Catherine Bateson, James Howard Kunstler, Frederic Tuten, Jean Valentine, and Jeffrey Zaslow. Click here for more highlights!

Eileen Myles

The Loft, Open Book, Sunday, November 7, 2010

The lucky group that came out on this mild November evening enjoyed a terrifically vibrant and funny reading by poet, novelist, essayist and raconteur Eileen Myles from her most unusual and definitive book yet, Inferno (a poet’s novel). See pictures from this event HERE.


Walker Art Center, Thursday, November 11, 2010

Poet and art critic John Yau wowed the crowd reading a work he created especially for new Walker exhibition: Yves Klein: With the Void, Full Powers. Taking on the persona of Klein, Yau brought a new level of understanding to this much-misunderstood artist and provocateur. If you were unfortunate to miss out on this amazing evening of channeling the immaterial and impossible spirit of Klein, you will be able to view the performance at the Walker Channel. View the performance now at the Walker Channel. See pictures from this event HERE.

2011 Rain Taxi Readings

The Graphic Novel Today
a talk by Mark Siegel, editor of First Second Books

Minneapolis College of Art & Design, February 25th

Nearly 100 people ventured out on a frigid Friday evening to hear Mark Siegel speak about the evolution of graphic novels, tracking the key developments in France, Japan, and the U.S. which combined and culminated in his unique and successful vision for First Second Books.

AleŠ Šteger

The Book House in Dinkytown, Sunday, April 3

Slovenian award-winning poet Aleš Šteger gave a stirring reading from his first volume to be translated into English, The Book of Things (BOA Editions, translated by Brian Henry), to a rapt audience this lovely spring evening. Surrounded by philosophy and theoligian texts, Šteger discussed the difficulties and rewards of translating his poems into English, offering a few readings in his native language. Read a review of his book here!

FREE VERSE: Erasure Poetry
featuring Matthea Harvey, Janet Holmes, and Travis Macdonald

Walker Art Center, Thursday, April 7

An eye-opening, multi-media presentation of erasure poetry by three skilled practioners (and one surprise guest!) wowed the crowd, with Travis Macdonald reading from O Mission Repo, an erasure of the 9/11 Commission Report; Janet Holmes read from The Ms of My Kin (Shearsman), an erasure of The Poems of Emily Dickinson; Eric Lorberer read "Lessons of the World," an erasure of portions from the 1919 book Lessons of the World War; and Matthea Harvey read Of Lamb, an illustrated erasure of a biography of Charles Lamb. If you missed this excellent event, CLICK HERE to view the Walker channel webcast!

Daniel Tiffany

The Book House in Dinkytown, Sunday, April 10

Poet and critic Daniel Tiffany read from his books of poetry, Privado (Action Books) and The Dandelion Clock (Tinfish Press) on a blustery Sunday evening.

Ravi Shankar

Rogue Buddha Gallery, Sunday, April 17

Poet Ravi Shankar read selections from his books, including his new book Deepening Groove. He also read a large selection from his chapbook, Seamless Matter, published by Rain Taxi's OHM Editions and later enjoyed in a cake version. CLICK HERE to view a video of Shankar discussing the lovely cover of this chapbook by renowned artist Sol LeWitt!


featuring JIM WOODRING, Bedtime Stories, and more!

Walker Art Center, Saturday, June 4-5, dusk to dawn

Held as part of the Northern Spark arts festival, NIGHTSHIFT offered a dazzling all-night tour of oneiric art. For our special midnight presentation, famed cartoonist Jim Woodring commanded the attention of a huge crowd of nightowls, insomniacs, and revellers with his 7-foot pen, inking a drawing of a severed frog's leg. Click here for video of this landmark event! Local comic artists Zander Cannon and Zak Sally assisted Woodring as he undertook the task, and when the drawing was completed Woodring let local artists try out the Giant Pen.

Other activities at NIGHTSHIFT included Skyspace Headphone Concerts, Marcus Young's Lullaby Project, and The Shape of Night, where people took part in choreographed sleep positions. The Drawing Nightclub made some nocturnal works and a bevy of local writers offered Bedtime Stories (originals and night-inspired classics) until the first light could be seen on the horizon. Readers included Will Alexander, Ute Bertog, Paula Cisewski, Gabrielle Civil, John Colburn, Valerie Deus, Gary Dop, Kelly Everding, Catherine Lundoff, Abby Travis, and Becky Weaver.

NIGHTSHIFT was cosponsored with us by the Walker Art Center and mnartists.org, two indispensable loci of the arts scene in the Twin Cities. Thanks to them, and to all who stayed up late with us! See the time lapse video of Nightshift here.

Craig Thompson

Minneapolis College of Art and Design, Monday, September 26, 2011

Craig Thompson spoke to over 330 people at MCAD, discussing the process of creating his new book, Habibi, just published by Pantheon. Thompson presented images of pages from his book, showing the painstaking development from draft to finished product, which resulted in the richly decorative and expressive art and story that comprise this 600 page graphic work. Thompson is also the author of Blankets, Good-bye, Chunky Rice, and Carnet de Voyage.


Walker Art Center, Thursday, October 13

Fans flocked to hear Pulitzer prize-winning poet James Tate read his deliciously funny and dark poems published in the Rain Taxi Brainstorm chapbook The Zoo Club. They were also treated to an amazing poetry reading by surprise guest Dara Wier who warmed up the crowd before Tate took the stage. If you missed it, CLICK HERE to see the recording of this fantastic night.

2011 Twin Cities Book Festival

Saturday, October 15th

This year’s fantastic lineup included Diana Abu-Jaber, N. M. Kelby, Jaimy Gordon, Daniel Woodrell, scientist Steven Pinker, cartoonist Ben Katchor, actor Kevin Sorbo, biographer Gary Tillery, essayist Lawrence Weschler, and many other great authors! Click here for more highlights!


Walker Art Center, Thursday, November 17

We ended our 2011 Reading Series with a bang as a near-capacity crowd braved the first hints of winter to hear poet Anne Carson read from her work. Anne Carson appeared in conjunction with the Walker’s presentation of Big Dance Theater's Supernatural Wife, an adaptation of Euripides’s Alkestis using Carson’s translation. Anne Carson read a gripping new prose piece about a blood splatter specialist, translations of poems by the Roman poet Catullus, and selections from her recent elegaic book, Nox. CLICK HERE to see the recording of this wonderful event.