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Rain Taxi Critical Essay

Due Date: 4 November 2011
Length: 2000 words
Style: MLA
Materials: Rain Taxi Review of Books – A book reviewed in Rain Taxi – 3-5 other sources


Students choose a review from Rain Taxi and read the book which the reviewer analyzed. The student analyzes the book and uses the essay in Rain Taxi as one of their sources in their critical analysis of the book.

Each essay requires a minimum of five (5) sources, including the book and the essay in Rain Taxi. The essay should establish a thesis statement which posits a clear argument about the book, and all the sources should be used to work toward proving the thesis.


1. The instructor assigns groups, and each member of the group writes about a different element of the same text; for example, if the book review in Rain Taxi is on a book of poems, one group member might write his paper on themes in the book, and another might write hers on diction; or if the book is a novel, one might write on plot development, and another might write on character.

2. For a lower level course or for a time-sensitive assignment in an upper level course, the instructor establishes the sources to be used and the literary attributes to be analyzed.

Rain Taxi Review Comparison Essay

Due Date: 8 October 2011
Length: 2000 words
Style: MLA
Materials: Rain Taxi Review of Books – A book reviewed in Rain Taxi

Students choose a review from Rain Taxi and read the book which the reviewer analyzed.

The essay requires two elements, a new review of the text as well as a critique of the original review from Rain Taxi, discussing ways in which the student feels that the reviewer hit or missed the mark in investigating the book.


1. The essay, probably a shorter assignment than above, can focus entirely on important elements of the book that the reviewer did not discuss and speculation as to why the reviewer may have left out these elements.

2. The essay can be a group project in which each group is assigned to read the text and then present to the class the book as well as their critique of the review.

Rain Taxi Review Analysis Essay

Due Date: 12 November 2011
Length: 500 words
Style: MLA
Materials: Rain Taxi Review of Books


Students read and analyze a recent review in Rain Taxi. They then analyze the review for the following elements: Strategy, structure, development, creativity, argument, etc.

In this essay, it is not critical that the students read the book about which the review was written; instead the student is completely focused on the writing in the review itself.


1. The essay can focus on one element of the writing process. For example: Write an essay analyzing the structure of the review.

2. The essay can be a group project in which the group analyzes the review and then each member writes a separate portion of the response, focusing on their assigned element of the essay.

3. Before beginning the assignment, each student must choose a review from the current issue of Rain Taxi, and no two students can chose the same review. The instructor should devise a fun means of assigning which student gets to choose first. For example, the instructor might ask a series of questions related to previous material, and as students raise their hands and provide correct answers, they are allowed to choose their review to analyze.