Orange Letter Painting, 2014
Born in Duluth, Minnesota, Anne Labovitz currently lives and works in St. Paul, Minnesota. As with "Orange Letter Painting," much of her work is made up of a dizzying array of layers. "I am drawn to multi-layered works because each stratum indicates fragments of identity," she writes, "whether it be of a human subject, landscape or relationship between the two. Layers of polymer emulsion, often over 100, are built up over many months through a deliberate process. Within these multiple layers, imagery emerges through the combined application of drawing, painting and printmaking."
Labovitz graduated with a degree in art and art education from Hamline University in St. Paul, her paintings are part of the permanent collections at the Tweed Museum of Art in Duluth, the Athenaeum Music & Arts Library in La Jolla, California, and the International Gallery of Portrait in Bosnia-Herzegovina. She is active in the art community in the Twin Cities and was named 2013 Artist of the Year by the Duluth Depot Foundation. Visit her website HERE.