Our People
Eric Lorberer (he/him)
Editor and Executive Director
Eric holds a B.A. in English Literature and Humanities from Washington College and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He has published poems, essays, and criticism in numerous magazines and has been awarded a SASE/Jerome Fellowship for his writing. As the editor of Rain Taxi Review of Books, he is responsible for the voice and style that has brought the magazine widespread acclaim. Lorberer is also the director of the Twin Cities Book Festival, has served as a panelist for the National Endowment for the Arts, and speaks at conferences and literary festivals around the country as an advocate for independent publishing and literary culture.
Kelly Everding (she/her)
Designer and Operations Director
Kelly graduated from the University of Denver with dual degrees in Mass Communications and English. She earned her M.F.A. from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, in Poetry. She is the author of Strappado for the Devil, a chapbook published by Etherdome Press. Kelly is the Art Director/Business Manager for Rain Taxi and, as such, is responsible for the design and layout of the magazine, chapbooks, and promotional materials, as well as the day-to-day business operations.
Zoe Berkovitz (she/her)
Managing Editor
Zoe graduated from Macalester College in 2020 with a B.A. in English Literature and a concentration in Critical Theory. At Rain Taxi, Zoe provides support for the magazine, the Twin Cities Book Festival, the Twin Cities Literary Calendar, events, and general communications.
Many other people help keep the Rain Taxi enterprise afloat: board members, reviewers, proofreaders, copyeditors, interns, our Twin Cities Book Festival staff, and dozens of volunteers who help do what needs to be done. To them we offer our deepest thanks.
Our Board
Thanks to the service and diligence of board members, Rain Taxi—a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting interest in contemporary literature—has stayed above water during mighty tough times. In May 2021, Rain Taxi's Board Chair Paul Von Drasek passed away. Learn more about his legacy here.
Current Board Members
Kelly Everding
Nicola Koh
Steven Larsen
Eric Ortiz
Margaret Telfer
Our Reviewers
Rain Taxi wouldn't be Rain Taxi without the passion of the people who write for it. Nearly 1000 writers have contributed reviews, essays, interviews, and features to the pages of Rain Taxi since our first issue appeared in 1996. We are pleased to publish work by a wide range of writerly talent, from first-time reviewers to established authors. Find out about becoming a Rain Taxi reviewer.
Our Supporters
Our most important supporters are individual readers like you. Donate today!
Rain Taxi is also currently supported by grants from the McKnight Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts. This activity is also made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund. We thank them all for their support.
We thank all our readers, philanthropic organizations, and government institutions for their support!