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Judith Margolis and Philip Miller: Let Us Now Praise Emptiness | interviewed by Yael Samuel
Rebecca Goodman: Why Write About the Shoah Now? | interviewed by David Moscovich
Yxta Maya Murray: Art and Atrocity | interviewed by Will Corwin
Patrick Parr: Slice of Life | interviewed by Arthur Shattuck O’Keefe
If and Only If: Imaginary books reviewed | by Scott F. Parker
The New Life | a comic by Gary Sullivan
PLUS: Cover art by Judith Margolis

Love, Loosha: The Letters of Lucia Berlin & Kenward Elmslie | Chip Livingston, ed. | by W. C. Bamberger
My Life as a Godard Movie | Joanna Walsh | by Joseph Houlihan
Hotel Splendide | Ludwig Bemelmans | by Phia Holland
Postscripts | John Barth | by Allan Vorda
A Kidnapped West: The Tragedy of Central Europe | Milan Kundera | by Steven G. Kellman
Not the Camilla We Knew: One Woman’s Path from Small-Town America to the Symbionese Liberation Army | Rachael Hanel | by Joseph Houlihan
Saved: Objects of the Dead | Jody Servon and Lorene Delany-Ullman | by Tom Patterson
An Autobiography of Skin | Lakiesha Carr | by Nick Hilbourn
Any Other City | Hazel Jane Plante | by Eleanor J. Bader
City of Blows | Tim Blake Nelson | by Chris Barsanti
Siblings | Brigitte Reimann | by Daniel Byronson
Mrs. S | K Patrick | by Linda Stack-Nelson
Tell Me I’m an Artist | Chelsea Martin | by Joseph Houlihan
The Loophole | Naz Kutub | by Nick Havey
Early Works | Alice Notley
The Speak Angel Series | Alice Notley | by Patrick James Dunagan
A Summer Day in the Company of Ghosts | Wang Yin | by Jeffrey Cyphers Wright
Spectacle | Lauren Goodwin Slaughter | by Havilah Barnett
in ghostly onehead | J. D. Nelson | by Zack Kopp
Paradise is Jagged | Ann Fisher-Wirth | by Jacob Butlett
Triptychs | Sandra Simonds | by Tiffany Troy
The Wine Cup | Richard Berengarten | by Michael Jennings
Lyon Street | Marc Zegans | by Lisa Francesca
Armed with Madness: The Surreal Leonora Carrington | Mary M. Talbot and Bryan Talbot | by Paul Buhle
To purchase issue #110 using Paypal, click here.
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