Sharmistha Mohanty, Davis Schneiderman, Penelope Rosemont, Deborah Keenan, Brandon Stanton, and more . . . purchase now
Sharmistha Mohanty: Living in a Writer’s Rainforest | interviewed by Graziano Krätli
Davis Schneiderman: I’ve Never Been Me |interviewed by Tom Williams and Ben Whisman
Surrealism in the ’70s: a Reply to Allan Graubard | by Penelope Rosemont presents: Deborah Keenan: Prompts, Poems, and Pictures | by Alison Morse

Cover art by Anne Labovitz
The New Life | a comic by Gary Sullivan
Last Laugh | The Poetry Olympics: humor by Louis Phillips
Holding On Upside Down: The Life and Work of Marianne Moore | Linda Leavell | by Patrick James Dunagan
Tapping Into the Wire: The Real Urban Crisis | Peter L. Beilenson and Patrick A. McGuire | by Andrew Cleary
Tennessee Williams in Bangkok | Eddie Woods | by Jim Feast
I Wear the Black Hat: Grappling with Villains (Real and Imagined) | Chuck Klosterman | by Benjamin Polk
On The Trail of Genghis Khan: An Epic Journey Through the Land of the Nomads | Tim Cope | by Irene Zabytko
Bas Jan Ader: Death is Elsewhere | Alexander Dumbadze | by pablo lopez
The Walrus & The Elephants: John Lennon’s Years of Revolution | James A. Mitchell | by Britt Aamodt
Dialects of the Tribe: Postmodern American Poets and Poetry | Lewis Putnam Turco | by Angelina Oberdan
What Poets Are Like: Up and Down with the Writing Life | Gary Soto | by Ryder W. Miller
Go Deep & Take Plenty of Root: A Prairie-Norwegian Father, Rebellion in Minneapolis, Basement Zen, Growing Up, Growing Tender | Erik Fraser Storlie | by Scott F. Parker
Humans of New York | Brandon Stanton | by Taylor Cole
The Corpse Exhibition and Other Stories of Iraq | Hassan Blasim | by Spencer Dew
1914 | Jean Echenoz | by Kristine Rabberman
Mother Box and Other Stories | Sarah Blackman | by Jenn Mar
Silence Once Begun | Jesse Ball | by Quincy Rhoads
An Army of Lovers | Juliana Spahr and David Buuck | by Miranda Mellis
Duplex | Kathryn Davis | by Josh Cook
The Era of Not Quite | Douglas Watson | by Peter Grandbois
Rogue Cells / Carbon Harbour | Garry Thomas Morse| by Kris Lawson
Goings In Thirteen Sittings | Gordon Lish | by Scott Bryan Wilson
The Banquet: the Complete Plays, Films, and Librettos | Kenneth Koch | by Richard Kostelanetz
Stay, Illusion | Lucie Brock-Broido | by Miguel Murphy
Urban Tumbleweed: Notes From a Tanka Diary | Harryette Mullen | by Michele Balze
The Hotel Oneira | August Kleinzahler | by Benjamin Paloff
Under the Sign | Ann Lauterbach | by Celia Bland
Pink Reef | Robert Fernandez | by Connor Fisher
Kimonos in the Closet | David Shumate | by Renoir Gaither
Poses: An Essay Drawn from the Model | Genine Lentine | by Gretchen Marquette
Blitzkrieg | John Gosslee | by T. M. DeVos
Milk & Filth | Carmen Giménez Smith |by William Stobb
Cunt Norton | Dodie Belamy | by Matt Pincus
Scything Grace | Sean Thomas Dougherty | by Julie Babcock
Glaciology | Jeffrey Skinner | by James Naiden
Ex-Voto | Adélia Prado | by Kate Schapira
Fran | Jim Woodring | by Steve Matuszak
Kid Mafia Digest • Very Casual • Ant Colony | Michael DeForge | by John Eisler
To purchase issue #73 using Paypal, click here.
Rain Taxi Print Edition, Vol. 19 No. 1, Spring 2014 (#73) | © Rain Taxi, Inc. 2014