Tag Archives: Fall 2014 print

Volume 19, No. 3 Fall 2014 (#75)

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Sean Madigan Hoen: Music out of Words | by Jaimy Gordon
Lauren Ireland: Hip Hop Saved My Life | by Molly Dorozenski
J. Otis Powell‽: Pieces of Sky | by Eric Lorberer


New Life: a comic by Gary Sullivan
mnartists.org presents: Tracy K. Smith: On Sex, Death, and David Bowie | by Hannah Dentinger




The Impossible Exile: Stefan Zweig at the End of the World | George Prochnik | by Douglas Messerli
Peter Orlovsky: A Life in Words: Intimate Chronicles of a Beat Writer | Peter Orlovsky, Bill Morgan, ed. | by Patrick James Dunagan
Another Great Day at Sea: Life Aboard the USS George H.W. Bush | Geoff Dyer | by Julian Murphy
Reading Dante: From Here to Eternity | Prue Shaw | by Brooke Horvath
Savage Harvest: A Tale of Cannibals, Colonialism, and Michael Rockefeller’s Tragic Quest for Primitive Art | Carl Hoffman | by Jessie Hausman
Men Explain Things To Me | Rebecca Solnit | by Liza Birnbaum
Industrial Sublime: Modernism and the Transformation of New York’s Rivers, 1900–1940 | Kirsten M. Jensen and Bartholomew F. Bland | by Patrick James Dunagan
Paleopoetics: Evolution of the Preliterate Imagination | Christopher Collins | by Joel Weishaus
Tibetan Peach Pie: A True Account of an Imaginative Life | Tom Robbins | by Christopher Luna
Time, History, and Literature: Selected Essays of Erich Auerbach | James I. Porter, ed. | by John Pistelli


Miss Homicide Plays the Flute | Brendan Connell | by Kelsey Irving Beson
Crystal Eaters | Shane Jones | by MH Rowe
Lost For Words | Edward St. Aubyn | by Keith Abbott
The Spectre of Alexander Wolfe | Gaito Gazdanov | by Andrew Marzoni
[[there.]] | Lance Olsen | by Renée E. D’Aoust
Sanaaq: An Innuit Novel | Mitiarjuk Nappaaluk | by John Toren
Inappropriate Behavior | Murray Farrish | by Andrea Wills
The Voice at the Door: A Novel of Emily Dickinson | James Sulzer | by Daniela Gioseffi
The Islands of Chaldea | Diana Wynne Jones & Ursula Jones | by Lydia Wilson
McSweeney’s 45: Hitchcock and Bradbury Fistfight in Heaven | Dave Eggers, ed. | by Ryder W. Miller
Tender Buttons: The Corrected Centennial Edition | Gertrude Stein | by Christopher Luna


Abide | Jake Adam York | by Wesley Rothman
They Don’t Kill You Because They’re Hungry, They Kill You Because They’re Full | Mark Bibbins | by Julie Hart
Money Money Money | Water Water Water | Jane Mead | by Celia Bland
Unpeopled Eden | Rigoberto González | by Steve Oinen
The Not Forever | Keith Waldrop | by Lightsey Darst
Drawn To Marvel: Poems from the Comic Books | Bryan D. Dietrick and Marta Ferguson, eds. | by Rachel Trousdale


Nijigahara Holograph | Inio Asano | by MH Rowe
Youth Is Wasted | Noah Van Sciver | by Paul Buhle

To purchase issue #75 using Paypal, click here.

Rain Taxi Print Edition, Vol. 19 No. 3, Fall 2014 (#75) | © Rain Taxi, Inc. 2014

Thomas M. Cassidy

Fall 2014 CoverWriter and collagist Thomas M. Cassidy (aka Musicmaster) is a fixture in the international smallpress/mail-art community, and a board member with Cheap Theatre and Patrick's Cabaret, both in the gluing town of Minneapolis.