TCBF Bookend Event: Jeffrey Brown
Saturday, November 2, Lake Monster Brewing

Acclaimed graphic novelist and Eisner Award winning author Jeffrey Brown celebrated the publication of his new book, Kids Are Still Weird, presenting a slide show of his career as a cartoonist from childhood to present day.
TCBF Bookend Event: Lisa Yee
Tuesday, October 22

2024 Kerlan Award Winner Lisa Yee, the award-winning author of more than 20 books for children and young adults including her recent titles, Maizy Chen’s Last Chance and The Misfits, discussed and read from her children's books. See the recording here!
Twin Cities Book Festival
Saturday, October 19, Minnesota State Fairgrounds

The 24th Annual Twin Cities Book Festival was a rousing success, drawing over 5500 people to celebrate books, authors, and more!
TCBF Opening Night with Charles Baxter and Miles Harvey
Friday, October 18, Spaces at Mosaic

Charles Baxter celebrated the publication of his novel Blood Test: A Comedy with fellow novelist Miles Harvey.
TCBF Bookend Event: Kate DiCamillo
Thursday, October 17, McNamara Alumni Center

As part of Book Week at the University of Minnesota, Kate DiCamillo offered a meditation on how reading and writing stories can help us become ourselves.
TCBF Bookend Event: Dobby Gibson
Thursday, October 10, The Loft Literary Center

Dobby Gibson and Carmen Giménez read from their recent publications at this special book launch event for Dobby Gibson's Hold Everything. The two also discussed Gibson's process and inspiration for his newest collection of poems.
TCBF Bookend Event: Alan Moore
Tuesday, October 1, Wisconsin Book Festival

Legendary British author Alan Moore discussed his new novel, The Great When, with Minnesota's own Benjamin Percy on October 1st. Rain Taxi’s Twin Cities Book Festival was proud to partner with our pals at the Wisconsin Book Festival for this special virtual event. Click here to watch the replay!
TCBF Bookend Event: Alejandro Puyana
Thursday, September 12, Magers & Quinn Booksellers

Alejandro Puyana celebrated his debut novel Freedom Is A Feast to a packed crowd. Puyana discussed the expansive novel following decades of Venezuelan history with fellow Minnesota novelist Nigar Alam.
TCBF Bookend Event: Katherine Packert Burke
Wednesday, September 11, Magers & Quinn Booksellers

Katherine Packert Burke discussed her debut novel Still Life with torrin a. greathouse to an enthusiastic crowd. The entertaining conversation explored Burke's profound and piercing tribute to messy webs of queer friendship and what is left behind in transition.
Rain Taxi's BANneD BOOKS Spring Fling

On Friday, May 3, Rain Taxi held a part at the Grenada Theater to celebrate talent in all its forms. See here for a recap of this event!
Twin Cities Independent Bookstore Passport

Hundreds of people participated in the 2024 Twin Cities Independent Bookstore Passport! Between Wednesday, April 24 and Sunday, April 28, bibliophiles could grab a free Passport from any of the 28 participating bookstores and get them stamped for future book savings. Those intrepid enough to visit 15 stores or all 28 stores were entered into a drawing for fantastic literary prizes. More info here.