Voir Dire

Nico Vassilakis Dusie ($15) by Tyrone Williams The French legal phrase that titles this book, literally “see say,” roughly means to say what one has

Artists in Residence

Seventeen Artists and Their Living Spaces, from Giverny to Casa Azul Melissa Wyse and Kate Lewis Chronicle Books ($22.95) by Linda Lappin Recently, months of

Brazil That Never Was

A.J. Lees Notting Hill Editions ($18.95) by Douglas Messerli Published in a small, almost pocket-sized format, A. J. Lees’s Brazil That Never Was is itself

Summer 2021

INTERVIEWS To Break the Silence: An Interview with Kim Echlin Canadian author Kim Echlin discusses her recent novel Speak, Silence, a fictionalized account of the

The Bass Rock

Evie Wyld Pantheon ($27.95) by Josh Steinbauer Evie Wyld is an author and bookshop owner in London whose latest novel, The Bass Rock, follows three