Dead Astronauts

Jeff VanderMeer MCD ($27) by Michael MacBride I tried, but failed, to write a review of Jeff VanderMeer’s latest novel, Dead Astronauts. The first draft

Duchamp’s Last Day

Donald Shambroom David Zwirner Books ($12.95) by Jeff Alessandrelli By sheer coincidence I started reading Duchamp’s Last Day shortly after reading Japanese Death Poems, an

A User’s Manual

Jiří Kolář translated by Ryan Scott Twisted Spoon Press ($24) by M. Kasper “My aim from the outset was to find areas of friction between

4:30 Movie

Donna Masini W. W. Norton & Company ($15.95) by Bhisham Bherwani A figurative meaning of “escape” is “mental or emotional distraction, especially by way of


Katy Mongeau Black Sun Lit ($15) by Isabel Sobral Campos In Apostasy, Katy Mongeau’s lyric “I” is a miscreant in search of redemption. These two

Nietzsche and the Burbs

Lars Iyer Melville House ($16.99) by Scott F. Parker Nietzsche calls to the fiction writer, the mystique of his name inclining some to invoke it