Embargoed Voice

Milli Graffi Translated by Michael Gizzi and Giuliana Chamedes Burning Deck Press ($5) by Chris Glomski Embargoed Voice, a sampling of poems by Milanese poet

Our Thang

Ted Joans Drawings by Laura Corsiglia Ekstasis Editions ($15.95) by John Olson As Buckminster Fuller once noted, one ball cannot zoom around alone in the

bk of (h)rs

Pattie McCarthy Apogee Press ($12.95) by Catherine Daly A number of texts which relate to books of hours, heretic testimony, cabinet plays, and other early

Borrowed Love Poems

John Yau Penguin Books ($17) by Tom Devaney John Yau's recent Borrowed Love Poems is a dazzling exploration of deft and unforgiving openness. The poems

The Captain Lands in Paradise

Sarah Manguso Alice James Books ($12.95) by Susie Meserve In Sarah Manguso's debut collection of poems, The Captain Lands in Paradise, the captain never lands

Sleeping with the Dictionary

Harryette Mullen University of California Press ($14.95) by Christopher Fischbach The centerpiece poem of Harryette Mullen's latest collection is "Jinglejangle," ten pages of the most

Cyber Reader | Hard_Code

Cyber Reader Edited by Neil Spiller Phaidon Press ($39.95) Hard_Code Edited by Eugene Thacker Alt X Press ($18) by Rod Smith The book is dead—or