Spring 2010 Issue
Born in the Palestinian village of Reineh outside of Nazareth in 1959, Zahi Khamis (www.zahiart.com) emigrated to Europe and then to the United States in his early twenties. After earning his degree in Mathematics, and studying Literature and the Humanities extensively, Zahi eventually turned towards painting as his primary form of expression. Appearing in a number of solo and group exhibits, including shows at the United Nations, the U.S. Senate, The Palestine Center (Washington D.C) and the Carnegie Institute for Peace (Washington, D.C), Zahi’s work has been featured in numerous publications in the United States and abroad. Influenced by the modernism of Picasso and Matisse as well as the Mexican muralists, Zahi’s work is part of the long tradition of committed art. He currently lives in Baltimore, Maryland with his children and wife, author Kim Jensen. He teaches Arabic at Goucher College.